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It is impossible to give one tithe of the hermitages in caves that are to be seen in Europe; but a few words may be devoted to La Sainte Beaume in Var, where, according to tradition, Mary Magdalen spent the end of her days. The tradition is entirely destitute of historical basis, and rests on a misconception.

In September, Chicot received the following letter, dated from the Priory of Beaume: "DEAR M. CHICOT The air is soft in this place, and the vintage promises to be good this year. They say that the king, whose life I saved, still grieves much.

Madam de Luxembourg gave me a reprimand. The surgeon, valet de chambre of the marechal, maintained it was not the gout, and dressed the suffering part with beaume tranquille. Unfortunately the pain subsided, and when it returned the same remedy was had recourse to. The constitution of the marechal was weakened, and his disorder increased, as did his remedies in the same proportion.

It is between Valence and Montélimart, in a neighborhood where the railroad runs straight along the Rhone, at the base of the hills of Beaume, Rancoule and Mercurol, the whole glowing vintage of the Hermitage, spread out over five leagues of vines growing in close, straight lines in the vineyards, which seem to the eye like fields of fleece, and extend to the very brink of the river, as green and full of islands at that spot as the Rhine near Bâle, but with such a flood of sunshine as the Rhine never had.

She has sent to her father from Lyons an harangue which was addressed to her by a curate. In spite of her father, she will visit the whole of Provence. She will go to Toulon, La Ste. Beaume, and I know not what. I believe she wishes to see everything or anything except her husband. It may truly be said of this Princess that she has eaten her white bread first.

She has sent to her father from Lyons an harangue which was addressed to her by a curate. In spite of her father, she will visit the whole of Provence. She will go to Toulon, La Ste. Beaume, and I know not what. I believe she wishes to see everything or anything except her husband. It may truly be said of this Princess that she has eaten her white bread first.

An instrument much used on the Continent is the Beaumé hydrometer. Ebullition or Boiling of Water, Steam. The atmosphere around us is composed of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen gases; not a compound of these gases, as water is of hydrogen and oxygen, but a mixture more like sand and water or smoke and air.

Beaume, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. "The Grand Dauphiness Dying." Blondel, Chevalier de la, &c. "Zenobia found Dead." Debay, Chevalier. "The Death of Lucretia." Dejuinne. "The Death of Hector." Court, Chevalier de la, &c. "The Death of Caesar." Delacroix, Chevalier. "Dante and Virgil in the Infernal Lake," "The Massacre of Scio," and "Medea going to Murder her Children."

A ruin of a more lordly description close to it, is called, as we understood, the Château Beaume: but the number of less important ruins, which occurred in this day's journey, is too great to admit of a particular description. A turn to the right between a couple of commanding heights, brought us out of this barren country into the wide and fertile plain of the Rhone, and under the walls of St.

I watched Clive while Coote was speaking; he stuck his lips together and stared at him; and, have you noticed? he squints a trifle when he looks hard. Well, the voting went on, and ended as I said twelve against immediate action, seven for." "How did the Bengal men vote?" "I'm bound to say, for except Le Beaume. 'Twas the Madras men who outvoted 'em."