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The other explanation makes consonance due to the identity of partial tones. When two tones have one or more partial tones in common they are said to be related; the amount of identity gives the degree of relationship. Physiologically, one or more basilar membrane fibres are excited by both, and this fact gives the positive feeling of relationship or consonance.

It receives the terminations of fibers from the auditory nerve and may be regarded as the true sense organ of hearing. The nerve fibers terminate upon the membrane known as the basilar membrane, which separates it from the scala tympani.

"The extra inch in the basilar circumference of the head of Daniel Webster was due to an enormous development of social propensities which in his case carried him beyond a correct balance and resulted in notorious licentiousness, because there was not enough of the moral sentiments in the crown of the head to control them. Mr.

A tone of a given pitch will set into vibration only certain of these cords, while tones of different pitch will set others into vibration. Another theory is that the basilar membrane responds to all kinds of vibrations and the analysis of sound takes place in the brain.

Several theories have been advanced with reference to its explanation, one of the most interesting being that proposed by Helmholtz. This theory is based on our knowledge of sympathetic vibrations. The basilar membrane, while continuous throughout, may be regarded as made up of many separate cords of different lengths stretched side by side.

Passing forward and inward on the basilar surface, adjacent to the petrous ridge of the temporal bone, and the anterior margin of the tentorium, we reach in front the passional region of Rage and Insanity and a little further back, a region of restless and lawless Turbulence, which is marked upon the neck, and which antagonizes the regions of Tranquillity, Patriotism, and the outer portion of Conscientiousness.

A third view is that the filaments from the hair cells, rather than the basilar membrane, respond to the vibrations and in turn stimulate the terminations of the nerve fibers. *Hygiene of the Ear.*—The ear, being a delicate organ, is frequently injured by careless or rough treatment.

How are sounds differing in pitch and intensity produced by the larynx? How is the sound produced by the vocal cords changed into speech? What parts of the ear are concerned in transmitting sound waves? Give the purposes of the middle ear. Trace a sound wave from a bell to the basilar membrane, and trace the impulse that it causes from there to the brain.

The region chiefly affected in this poisoning is the jaw-bone, but the inflammation may spread to the adjoining bones and involve the vomer, the zygoma, the body of the spheroid bone, and the basilar process of the occipital bone.

*How We Hear.*—The sound waves which originate in vibrating bodies are transmitted by the air to the external ear. Passing through the auditory canal, the waves strike against the membrana tympani, setting it into vibration. From here the vibrations pass through the channels of the cochlea and set into vibration the contents of the scala media and different portions of the basilar membrane.