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"What's the matter, June?" said Daisy, coming nearer and speaking awedly; for it was startling to see that stony face give way to anything but its habitual formal smile. But the woman recovered herself almost immediately, and answered as usual: "It's nothing, Miss Daisy." She always spoke as if everything about her was "nothing" to everybody else.

"What's the matter, June?" said Daisy, coming nearer and speaking awedly; for it was startling to see that stony face give way to anything but its habitual formal smile. But the woman recovered herself almost immediately, and answered as usual: "It's nothing, Miss Daisy." She always spoke as if everything about her was "nothing" to everybody else.

The two boats passed Petit Manan Island toward ten that forenoon, a tiny rocky islet holding aloft a tall shaft against the blue of the Summer sky. "A hundred and fourteen feet," said Joe informatively, "and the highest lighthouse on the coast except one." "Gee, think of living there in Winter!" said Perry awedly.

How would you like me to send you a hatpin, then, with a nice little gold nugget for a head?" "I'd love it! But but what is a nugget, Mr. Herrick?" "Oh, a little a little lump." "Do you mean real gold?" asked Zephania, awedly. "Yes, real gold, virgin gold, just as it comes out of the ground, you know." "Wouldn't it be worth a good deal, though?" asked Zephania, doubtfully.

Perry's face expressed blank amazement as he pushed his right sleeve up and gazed at a wound from which the blood was spurting. "Gosh," he said awedly, "I'm shot!" "I should think so!" cried Phil. "Come on down and let me fix it." "What is it?" asked Steve anxiously. "Perry's hit in the arm. They must have shot along the side, and the bullet glanced from something. Come on, Perry."