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By a single letter, according to its position, they contrive to express all that with civilised nations in our upper world it takes the waste, sometimes of syllables, sometimes of sentences, to express. The prefix of certain letters in their alphabet invariably denotes compound significations. Ata is sorrow; Glata, a public calamity.

Came also, from Bokhara, Ata Muhammad and Shakri Muhammad, that they might carve the lilies of the field, very glorious, about that Flower of the World. Men of India, men of Persia, men of the outer lands, they came at the bidding of Ustad Isa, that the spirit of his vision might be made manifest.

It should be noted at the outset that the Eto or Ata, living between the Guianga and Bagobo, should not be included in this division. In the region about Mt. Apo they are closely allied to the Obo and Tigdapaya, while in the region adjoining the Guianga they have intermarried with that people and have adopted many of their customs as well as dress.

Sankara connects Adhyayana with Veda and Yajna. This seems to be right explanation. Ata urddham is 'after this, or 'hereafter on high' as Mr. Davies renders it. Although the limitation "for fruit" does not occur in the text, yet, it is evident, it should be understood. Krishna does not recommend the total abandonment of actions, but abandonment for their fruit. Mr.

The story of "Alelu'k and Alebu'tud" was told by an Ata boy to a Bagobo at the coast, who immediately related it to me. It was unquestionably passed on in Bagobo circles, and has become a permanent accession.

Baron Humboldt, speaking of the Muysca Indians of South America, says that their word for eleven is quihicha ata, that is, "foot one;" meaning that they have counted all their fingers, and are beginning their toes. He proceeds to compare the Persian words, pentcha, hand, and pendj, five, as being connected with one another, and gives various other curious instances of finger-numeration.

They remained there from one to two hours and then returned to the cliff. While we were with them, we saw this same thing repeated every morning; but though we asked them why they did it we could get no reply which was intelligible to us. All they vouchsafed in way of explanation was the single word Ata. They tried to get Lys to go in with them and could not understand why she refused.

Ata flung herself on her knees before him, and clasped his legs with her arms and kissed them. Strickland looked at Dr. Coutras with a faint smile. "In the end they get you, and you are helpless in their hands. White or brown, they are all the same." Dr. Coutras felt that it was absurd to offer expressions of regret in so terrible a disaster, and he took his leave.

He would give me a day to think it over; then he left, and the women left the men for the hunt, and the women, as I later learned from So-ta, for the warm pool where they immersed their bodies as did the shes of the Sto-lu. "Ata," explained So-ta, when I questioned her as to the purpose of this matutinal rite; but that was later.

I can tell you myself Queen Victorie is a fine little woman I ever seen on my life. She make big a dance for me when I never seen so much supper on my life. I dance with her myself an' she ata me an' say, 'Juanie, I never dance lika this en my life till I dance with you, yes, that's sure what she tell me to my own face an' eyes."