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Their captain turned: "Miss Flora, I promised your brother he should go whenever " "But me al-so you promised!" she interrupted, and a fair sight also, grievous to Irby, startling to Anna, were this pair, standing eye to eye. "Yes," replied Kincaid, "and I'll keep my word. In any extremity you shall come to him."

"Ah, if I could steal now your heart al-so! But I've stolen, I fear, only your confidenze!" Between the words she loosed one hand, stooped and lifted the flower. Each tried to press it to the other's bosom, but it was Anna who yielded. "I'd make you take it," she protested as Flora pinned it on, "if I hadn't thrown it away."

"Be kind e-nough to fol-low me," he said, "and I will lead you a-way from here to the town of Ev-na, where you will be more com-for-ta-ble, and al-so I will pro-tect you from the Wheel-ers." "All right," answered Dorothy, promptly. "I'm ready!" The Heads of Langwidere

"ACH, I tell you, she look like the Frau Tellamantez, some-thing. Long face, long chin, and ugly al-so." "Did she die a long while ago?" "Die? I think not. I never hear, anyhow. I guess she is alive somewhere in the world; Paris, may-be. But old, of course. I hear her when I was a youth. She is too old to sing now any more." "Was she the greatest singer you ever heard?" Wunsch nodded gravely.

They came from Sister Superior Veronique, they said, to see further about mesdemoiselles entering, eh Smilingly mesdemoiselles fluttered more than ever. "Ah, yes, yes! Well, you know, sinze we talk ab-out that with the archbishop we've talk' ab-out it with our niece al-so, and we think she's got to get marrie' befo' we can do that, biccause to live al-lone that way she's too young.

There is al-so an el-der-ly la-dy, but I can’t see much of her. They appear to be go-ing on a jour-ney, shall I go with them? Yes, well I will. Now we are on the wa-ter and—O what a pret-ty boatnow we are get-ting off of the boat—I didn’t nev-er be here be-fore. Now we are on a rail-road, I nev-er seened this rail-road be-fore but—O what a pret-ty ba-by.