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Jenkins' evacuation of the Asmai position was conspicuously adroit. When the order to quit reached that able officer, Major Stockwell of the 72d was out with a small detachment, maintaining a hot fire on the Afghan bodies ascending by the southern spur from the Chardeh valley.

There are sentiments on the 72d page of your book, obnoxious to the like charge. If political "independence" if a free government be the poor thing the illusive image of an American brain which you sneeringly represent it, we owe little thanks to those who purchased it for us, even though they purchased it with their blood; and little pains need we take in that case to preserve it.

Eitel says, "The Taxila of the Greeks, the region near Hoosun Abdaul in lat. 35d 48s N., lon. 72d 44s E." But this identification, I am satisfied, is wrong. So far he may be correct; but the Takshasila of Fa-Hsien was on the other, or western side of the Indus; and between the river and Gandhara.

Baker's two leading regiments were the 72d and the 2d Sikhs. The left wing of the former supported by the 5th Goorkhas, the old and tried comrades of the 72d, assailed and took the village.

East 72d Street, Dec. 28. Milly and I have just come from a run in the Park, and here I am this shining white morning scribbling away in my own cosey room. My very own room for the most delightful thing has happened; I'm visiting Mrs. Baker Aunt Frank I am to call her, though she is really Ma's cousin and she has asked me to spend the rest of the winter here. So I've really left the den.

Baker moved out toward his left front against the eminences held by the Afghan right wing, which Nek Mahomed, having discerned the character of Roberts' tactics, was now reinforcing with great activity. The 72d Highlanders led the attack, supported vigorously by the 5th Goorkhas and the 5th Punjaub Infantry.

The carbines of the cavalrymen were promptly utilised from the cover the village afforded; but they could not have availed to stay the Afghan rush. There was a short interval of extreme anxiety until the 200 men of the 72d, Brownlow leading them, became visible advancing at the double through the gorge.

Such interference and violence did not threaten Onesimus in his return to Philemon. He was not in danger of being taken up, imprisoned, and sold for his jail fees, as a returning Onesimus would be in parts of this nation. On the 72d page of your book, you utter sentiments, which, I trust, all your readers will agree, are unworthy of a man, a republican, and a Christian.

The mayor slowly unrolled the scroll and began to read, translating from the Breton into French. "On this day, by order of the Count of Soisic, general in chief of the Breton forces now lying in Kerselec Forest, the bodies of thirty-eight English soldiers of the 27th, 50th, and 72d regiments of Foot were buried in this spot, together with their arms and equipments."

Lo-e, or Rohi, is a name for Afghanistan; but only a portion of it can be here intended. We are now therefore in 404. No doubt the present district of Bannu, in the Lieutenant-Governorship of the Punjab, between 32d 10s and 33d 15s N. lat., and 70d 26s and 72d E. lon. See Hunter's Gazetteer of India, i, p. 393. They had then crossed the Indus before.