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Updated: August 20, 2024

When we had finished prayer, it was found to be a brother from Tetbury, who had brought from Barnstaple £1 2s. 6d. for the Orphans. Thus we have £1 14s. 6d., with which I must return the letter-bag to the Orphan-Houses, looking to the Lord for more. "Aug. 6. Without one single penny in my hands the day began.

When come to Oxford, a very sweet place: paid our guide, L1 2s. 6d.; barber, 2s. 6d.; book, Stonage, 4s. To dinner; and then out with my wife and people, and landlord: and to him that showed us the schools and library, 10s.; to him that showed us All Souls' College, and Chichly's picture, 5s.

Amongst other schemes afloat to relieve distress in Liverpool was the benefit got up at the Theatre Royal, to which I have referred. The prices of admission were doubled on the occasion. The box tickets were 9s., the upper boxes, 8s., the pit, 6s., and the gallery, 2s.; and the proceeds realised no less a sum than 610 pounds!

The wages of the laborers employed by the company were generally 2s. 6d., or half a dollar, a day and they boarded themselves. As a rule the men took up their wages at the store and the item most frequently entered against their names was New England rum.

Brandy and liqueurs are much cheaper than in England; beer from 2d. to 4d. a bottle, but taking a cask it comes cheaper. Best white sugar 10d. Tea from 4s. upwards, coffee 2s. to 3s. It must be remembered that the pound weight in France has two ounces more than in England.

These monopolies do not interfere with the custom-house, which levies its duties irrespectively of them. Leeches pay an export duty of 2s. 9d. the thousand; wax pays an ad valorem duty of fifty per cent; bark pays a very small duty, and millet scarcely a penny per quintal.

By James Grant, with an illustration by Gilbert. Foolscap 8vo., with gilt back, 2s. 6d.

He give me a pound, but that don't come in the reckonin'. Hay was £3, wood fifteen shillin', men's time £1, beer two shillin', odds and ends five shillin', nails four-pence, twine a ha'penny, makin' £5, 2s. 4-1/2d. I've a-took off £1, leavin' £4 2s. 4-1/2d." "Very well. Here's a s-stamp." The farmer receipted the bill. "Thank'ee, sir."

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