United States or Svalbard and Jan Mayen ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Troeltsch and the "Reichsbote" asked whether Haeckel had purposely concealed this fact, and Schmidt now explains that Haeckel first became acquainted with the "Thoughts on Religion" through him towards the end of January, 1900.

The same strenuous spirit impelled the English to express their sympathy for Captain Alfred Dreyfus by staying away from the Paris fair of 1900. The London press loudly boasted that Englishmen would not give the sanction of their presence to any undertaking of the French Government, and called attention again and again to their absence from the exhibition.

I won't talk about the war this time. I never want to hear of it again. LADYSMITH. March 1st, 1899. DEAR CHAS: This is just a line to say I got in here with the first after a gallop of twelve miles. Keep this for me and the envelope. With my love and best wishes LADYSMITH, March 3, 1900.

It should also be added that in 1900 spectroscopic observations by Belopolski at Pulkova gave evidence that Venus really rotates rapidly on her axis, in a period probably approximating to the twenty-four hours of the earth's rotation, thus corroborating the older conclusions.

Meanwhile General Buller was encamped at Glyn's mines near Spitskop and the Sabi River, which enabled him to command the mountain pass near Mac Mac and Belvedere without the slightest trouble, and to block the roads along which we meant to proceed. On the 16th of September, 1900, an incident occurred which is difficult to describe adequately.

He was, however, old and enfeebled by illness, so when in 1900 his end came instead of his resignation, few were surprised.

On February 11, 1899, the Southern Cross entered Ross Sea in lat. 70° S. and long. 174° E., nearly sixty years after Ross had left it. A party was landed at Cape Adare, where it wintered. The ship wintered in New Zealand. In January, 1900, the land party was taken off, and an examination of the Barrier was carried out with the vessel.

It may almost be called an appalling fact that for at least two centuries from 1700 to 1900 not a single blank-verse play was produced which lives, or deserves to live, on the stage of to-day.

The applications for sale under it numbered 8,000 in 1898, and in the succeeding years the number steadily diminished, so that they amounted in 1899 to 6,000, in 1900 to 5,000, and in 1901 to only 3,000. The reasons for this are not difficult to find.

Marcus L. Ward, '02d, succeeded to the position. The Summer Session was first established by the Regents in 1900 as a separate division of the University.