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Daudet's love for his native land was intense. Its images were ever present to him; its poetry haunted him throughout his life. He urged young men ambitious of literary laurels to remain in their native provinces, to draw their inspiration from the soil, confident that something great and beautiful would result. Why did he not take for himself the counsel he so incessantly offered to others?

It began to appear in the Petit Moniteur universel, but did not appeal to the readers of this popular newspaper. "Port-Tarascon" is the last and poorest of the series. Tartarin leads his compatriots in a colonizing expedition to the South Seas, and then brings them home again.

A battle near Waterloo was expected, but it did not come off. Mr. Morgan and his friend returned to Brussels, and I quote his exact words, as given in the Pall Mall Gazette he «found the town on the verge of a turmoil. This was owing to General von Jarodzky's stupidity, and very nearly involved the town in the same rate which afterwards overwhelmed Louvain.

I understood the question which was put to me to be whether any agreement had been made between England and France to interpose by force to put an end to that war; and I said that no formal agreement of any kind had been made between the two governments; and certainly none of that kind had taken place, but that a formal application had been made some time before, by the government of Montevideo, for our mediation, and that we had instructed M. Mandeville to offer it to the other party, the Buenos-Ayres government; I ought perhaps also to have mentioned the conversation which I had had with baron Bourqueney, and in which he proposed, on the part of his government, that our representatives at Buenos-Ayres should communicate and assist each other in this matter; but in the hurry of reply, it did not occur to me that that conversation came within the reach of the question.

60 9 ne fit que traverser: 'did no more than pass through, 'merely passed through. 60 13 sous les ramages ... fleurs: 'under the figures of her flowered dress' laissant deviner: cf. note to 7 23. 60 14 friande

90 2 marseillais: 'dialect of Marseilles. Not only did she know French, but even Tartarin's own dialect. The Provençal language comprises many dialects; that of Tarascon does not differ greatly from that of Marseilles. 90 3 Quand je vous disais: 'what did I tell you about ...? 90 9 s'est ... sac: 'let himself be caught red-handed'; cf. note to 7 25.

Les sauvages étaient-ils beaux? 5. Qui se disputaient ses bagages? 6. Que faisaient les uns? 7. Que faisaient les autres? 8. Qu'est-ce que Tartarin faisait? 9. Pourquoi ne pouvait-il pas se faire comprendre? 10. Quelles langues pouvait-il parler? There were wild beasts here, but they did not wait for Tartarin. 2. He remembered that he had not brought along a kid. 3.