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Poor Granville is a little romantic, you know. But enough of this now: shall we go to the rooms?" "With pleasure," said I; and to the rooms we went. Veteres revocavit artes. Horace. Since I came hither I have heard strange news. King Lear. Two days after my long conversation with Tyrrell, I called again upon that worthy. To my great surprise he had left Cheltenham.

Supply sunt with pacti. Doed. and Wr. supply essent; but they read haec for et before seditio contrary to the best MSS. Et seditio. Et==and so. Al. haec seditio. Stetit. Not stopped, but stood, as in our phrase: stood them in so much. So Ovid: Multo sanguine victoria stetit. And T. His. 3, 53: Majore damno veteres civium discordias reipublicae stetisse. Render: cost no blood. Dr. Petulantia.

It was begun by Julius Cæsar on the site of the older Basilica Sempronia, which had previously partially replaced the Veteres Tabernæ or shops of early times required for the trades carried on in a market-place, and also the schools for children where Appius Claudius had first seen Virginia reading.

This excited in me a taste for Celtic Antiquities, and finding in Sir Walter's Library a copy of O'Connor's Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores veteres, I sat up one night transcribing from it the Annals of Tighernac. This transcript is still in my library. "27 INVERLEITH ROW, Sept. 1890." Æneid II. 62. April 30 and May 1. To meet Sandy Pringle to settle the day of election on Monday.

Inflatus es utribus veteribus et excerebratus es novo vino: atque ita veteri, i.e. priori evangelio pannum haereticae novitatis adsuisli ... Venum novum is non committit in veteres utres qui et veteres utres non habuerit, et novum additamentum nemo inicit veteri vestimento nisi cui non defuerit vetus vestimentum.

Poor Granville is a little romantic, you know. But enough of this now: shall we go to the rooms?" "With pleasure," said I; and to the rooms we went. Veteres revocavit artes. Horace. Since I came hither I have heard strange news. King Lear. Two days after my long conversation with Tyrrell, I called again upon that worthy. To my great surprise he had left Cheltenham.

And Germanus too came there with the whole army not long afterwards, having made all preparations in the best way possible and also bringing along many wagons for the army. And overtaking his opponents in a place which the Romans call Scalae Veteres, he made his preparations for battle in the following manner.

In the very spirit of serious truth, we assure you, that the delusion about "jentaculum" is even exceeded by this other delusion about "prandium." Salmasius himself, for whom a natural prejudice of place and time partially obscured the truth, admits, however, that prandium was a meal which the ancients rarely took; his very words are "raro prandebant veteres."

Noclanter dico, recentiores se-cutus; veteres enim hoc non adjungunt. Spelm. Gloss, verb. Burglaria. It was punished with death. Ib. citn. from the office of a Coroner. It may be committed in the outset houses, as well as inset, 3 Inst. 65. though not under the same roof or contiguous, provided they be within the Curtilage or Home- stall. 4 BI. 225.

Clarke. In Ramusio these fish are called Orate vecchis, and in Grynaeus Ostreas veteres. Astl. This appears to indicate the gulf between Cape Emanuel, near the isle of Goree, and the Red Cape.