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Maurice, in Vallais; which he himself had founded in honor of the imaginary martyrs of the Thebæan legion. A full chorus of perpetual psalmody was instituted by the pious king; he assiduously practised the austere devotion of the monks; and it was his humble prayer, that Heaven would inflict in this world the punishment of his sins.

«Une de plus haute montagnes du Vallais, et située sur une terrain très-élevé, est la Gemmi; elle fait partie de la grande chaîne qui sépare le Canton de Berne du Vallais. Elle est remarquable,

If this is the case, that rivers have every where run upon higher levels than those in which we find them flowing at the present, there must be every where to an observing eye marks left upon the sides of rivers, by which it may be judged if this conclusion be true. I shall now transcribe a description of a part of the Vallais by which this will appear.

M. de Saussure has given us a description of a tract of alpine country of the same kind with that of the Vallais now considered, so far as the strata are here in a horizontal position, instead of that highly inclined situation in which those primary bodies are commonly found. It is the description of Mount-Rosa Journal de Physique, Juillet 1790.

As we rose, it descended to meet us, and sunk below, hiding the valley and its houses, which had looked like Swiss toys from our height. When we reached the summit, the mist came boiling up after us, rising like a thick wall to the sky, and hiding all that great mountain range, the Vallais Alps, from which we had come, and which we hoped to see from this point.

As we rose, it descended to meet us, and sunk below, hiding the valley and its houses, which had looked like Swiss toys from our height. When we reached the summit, the mist came boiling up after us, rising like a thick wall to the sky, and hiding all that great mountain range, the Vallais Alps, from which we had come, and which we hoped to see from this point.

As we rose, it descended to meet us, and sunk below, hiding the valley and its houses, which had looked like Swiss toys from our height. When we reached the summit, the mist came boiling up after us, rising like a thick wall to the sky, and hiding all that great mountain range, the Vallais Alps, from which we had come, and which we hoped to see from this point.

Any traveller who has visited the Vallais may see the Rhone at work in its first stage. In the second he can trace the river from below Lyons, and see the thousand gravel-banks formed, swept away, and reformed, at every flood, that mark the course of the river in its second stage. By the time the Rhone has reached Arles all its gravel has been champed up and reduced to impalpable mud.

Two of the legates were cardinals, then a relatively less exalted rank in the Church than later, but making plain the direct support of the pope. The other was Ermenfrid, Bishop of Sion, or Sitten, in what is now the Swiss canton of the Vallais.

The second example is found in the vertical strata of those mountains through which the Rhône has made its way in running from the great valley of the Vallais towards the lake of Geneva.