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Updated: August 17, 2024

I see him and grand'mère married at last, in a church nearly empty and even the priest unfriendly." "Had he no new friends, Unionists?" "Not yet, at the wedding. There he said: 'Old friends or none. And that was right, don't you think? Later 'twas different.

This policy was carried out under the rule of an English King, himself a Scot James VI. of Scotland and I. of England. Large numbers of settlers were brought over to Ulster, many of them English, but the majority Scotch. We Ulster Unionists who inhabit the province to-day, or at least the greater number of us, are descendants of these settlers.

The slavery question, when it could no longer be avoided, gradually separated the American people into five different political parties or factions the Abolitionists, the Southern Democrats, the Northern Democrats, the Constitutional Unionists, and the Republicans.

But the great importance and influence of the trade unionists arises not from this comparatively small general proportion, but from the fact that the organizations are strongest in the most highly skilled and best-paid industries, and in the most thickly settled, highly developed parts of the country, and that they contain the picked and ablest men in each of the industries where they do exist.

Bonar Law gave the message to Ulster which he had specially crossed the Channel to deliver in person. He reminded the audience that hitherto the promise of support to Ulster by the Unionists of Great Britain, given long before at Blenheim, had been coupled with the condition that, if an appeal were made to the electorate, the Unionist Party would bow to the verdict of the country.

It is a curious piece of history that the palmetto buttons worn by the volunteer nullifiers were manufactured in Connecticut. There was in Charleston, as in other parts of the State, a very large number of Unionists. Both parties in Charleston held frequent meetings, and it was with great difficulty that riots or encounters between the two were prevented.

On New Year's Day, '63, Lincoln freed the slaves and no rebel was more indignant than was Chadwick Buford. The Kentucky Unionists, in general, protested: the Confederates had broken the Constitution, they said; the Unionists were helping to maintain that contract and now the Federals had broken the Constitution, and their own high ground was swept from beneath their feet.

The real problem that newspapers are confronted with every night, every morning, to-day, is a problem in human nature. Some people believe that human nature can be believed in, and others do not. The socialists, the syndicalists, the trades unionists, as a class, and the capitalists as a class, are acting as if they did not.

Unionists also believe that economic and social conditions in Ireland can be more effectively dealt with under the existing political constitution than under any form of Home Rule. Ireland is a poor country, and needs the financial resources which only the Imperial Parliament can provide. She is, moreover, a country divided into hostile camps marked by strong racial and religious differences.

Broadly speaking, the men with whom I had been sharing a hut were Nationalist by opinion and by tradition though by no means all Catholics. There were Unionists, but they were few. In the society which I now joined a joint mess of the Royal Irish and the Rangers matters were different. The personnel of the 6th Royal Irish was strongly characteristic of the old Army.

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