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When the examination was finished, I felt like a convicted impostor, and was prepared to resume work on the undershot water-wheel, but the two professors took pity on me, and certified in writing that I was qualified to keep school. Then the editor remarked that the retiring teacher, Mr.

It needed but a glance to show what they were, Sharks! Scores of them, long, black ones, with their ugly, undershot mouths. They had been attracted by the blood of the one Tom had killed, but there was not a meal for all of them off the dying creature, and the great fish might turn on the young inventor and his companion. The two shrank closer toward the wreck.

The faded moonlight showed angry eyes, a jutting, undershot jaw and a sharp, pointed nose. "Damn you!" spat the captive. Taylor removed a revolver from the prisoner's clothing and tossed it to Masters. "It's Norden, all right," Masters said, scrutinizing the captive. "I'd know that jaw in a million. What are you doing here, fellah?" "I'm blowing the factory to hell!" Norden said between his teeth.

I'm going to that business institute for the same reason that every other person goes there to learn. That's all there is to the whole business, Chief: I'm going to go straight." Chief Barlow, hunched forward, his undershot jaw clenched on a cigar stub, regarded Larry steadily with his beady, autocratic eyes.

The carpenter having given him a short lecture on the different kinds of water-wheels, he decided on an undershot, and with Sandy's help proceeded to construct it with its nave of mahogany, its spokes of birch, its floats of deal, and its axle of stout iron-wire, which, as the friction would not be great, was to run in gudgeon-blocks of some hard wood, well oiled.

DISQUALIFYING POINTS: NOSE White, cherry, or spotted to a considerable extent with either of these colours. EARS prick, tulip, or rose. MOUTH much overshot or much undershot. In order to give some idea of the extraordinary way in which the Fox-terrier took the public taste, it will be necessary to hark back and give a resume of the principal kennels and exhibitors to whom this was due.