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"Trevenna ?" Lydia echoed in bewilderment. Mrs. Linton clapped her hand to her mouth. "Oh, Lord there, it's out! What a fool I am! But I supposed of course you knew; I supposed everybody knew." She dried her eyes and bridled. "Didn't you know that he's Lord Trevenna? I'm Mrs. Cope." Lydia recognized the names.

I do need help so dreadfully! I'm at my wits' end with Trevenna, I am indeed. He's such a boy a mere baby, you know; he's only two-and-twenty." She dropped her orbed lids. "He's younger than me only fancy! a few months younger. I tell him he ought to listen to me as if I was his mother; oughtn't he now? But he won't, he won't! All his people are at him, you see oh, I know their little game!

The tie between the Dagonets, the du Lacs of Maryland, and their aristocratic Cornish kinsfolk, the Trevennas, had always remained close and cordial. Mr. and Mrs. van der Luyden had more than once paid long visits to the present head of the house of Trevenna, the Duke of St. Austrey, at his country-seat in Cornwall and at St.

He knelt down and prayed, and although he was much given to extempore prayer, he did not, in this his most intense moment, go beyond the prayer of our Lord, which, moreover, expressed what he wanted better than any words of his own. "Thy will," he repeated, "Thy will." His one thought now was his son, but he knew not where to find him. He went out and he saw his man, David Trevenna.

Lydia saw that, in fact, her beautiful mouth was quivering beneath softened eyes. "I'm beside myself!" the splendid creature wailed, dropping into her seat. "I'm so sorry," Lydia repeated, forcing herself to speak kindly; "but how can I help you?" Mrs. Linton raised her head sharply. "By finding out there's a darling!" "Finding what out?" "What Trevenna told him."

"Because she was too busy. I was sitting in the window, watching for you, when the five o'clock boat left, and who should go on board, bag and baggage, valet and maid, dressing-bags and poodle, but Mrs. Cope and Trevenna. Just an hour and a half to pack up in! And you should have seen her when they started.