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Updated: August 5, 2024

Serenity of the mind, gentleness, taciturnity, self-restraint, and purity of the disposition, these are said to be the penance of the mind. This three-fold penance performed with perfect faith, by men without desire of fruit, and with devotion, is said to be of the quality of goodness.

Then a young doctor clad in white duck and carrying a three-fold medicine case, stepped inside. "Sucked down by the sand and hauled out again, Doc," Tom explained. The physician looked closely at his patient and Harry drove out the men who had no especial business there. "A little pin-head of glonoin on his tongue for a beginning," decided the physician, opening his case.

We may assume that the same was the case with the larger temples of Babylonia, and this three-fold division of the interior, the vestibule, or pronaos, the main hall, or naos, and the papakhu, further warrants the comparison of a Babylonian sacred edifice with the Solomonic temple, where likewise we have the vestibule, the hall known as the 'holy' part, and the 'holy of holies, the one leading into the other.

And yet such is the grace of God, such is the work of Christ, and such is the power and the patience of the Holy Ghost that, if we had only an adequate ministry in our pulpits, and an assisting literature in our homes, even this three-fold impossibility would be overcome and we would be saved.

The Palace of Horticulture, with its gardens, has been planned with a three-fold purpose, to appeal with equal interest to the tourist, the student, and the business man. Its exhibits by states and foreign nations picture the gardens and orchards of the world. Its factory installations exhibit actual processes of preparing and preserving fruit and vegetable products.

In ritual also, the number divisible by three of the members of almost all the oldest colleges of the Vestal Virgins, the Salii, the Arval Brethren, the Luperci, the Augurs probably had reference to that three-fold partition. These three elements into which the primitive body of burgesses in Rome was divided have had theories of the most extravagant absurdity engrafted upon them.

But as far as she herself was concerned, Nan realised that she could yet keep her love pure and untouched, faithful to the mystic three-fold bond of spirit, soul, and body. . . . She would never marry Roger now. To-morrow she would write and tell him so. That he would storm and rage and try to force her to retract this new decision she was well aware.

The human mind, then, is a three-fold form, each fold having its own distinct character, in consequence of which it is broadly and very definitely individualized. Childhood, youthhood, and manhood, constitute this triple form.

The perfect equanimity on all occasions, which was the trait in Philip's character that most impressed such of his contemporaries as were neither his adherents nor his enemies, for example, the Venetian envoys at his court, was not produced by a single stroke of Nature's pencil, but had a three-fold origin.

There are no recesses, as in Gorbio Valley by the oil-mill; no sacred solitude of olive gardens on the Roccabruna-road; no nook upon St. Martin's Cape, haunted by the voice of breakers, and fragrant with the three-fold sweetness of the rosemary and the sea-pines and the sea.

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