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Updated: August 14, 2024

After the foundation, then, of numerous churches; after the consecration of monasteries; after baptizing the men of Eriu; after great abstinence and great labor; after destroying idols and images; after degrading numerous kings who would not obey him, and raising up those who obeyed him; and after he had three hundred and fifty or three hundred and seventy bishops; and after ordaining three thousand priests and persons of all other orders in the Church; after fasting and prayer; after showing mercy and mildness; after gentleness and sweetness towards sons of life; after the love of God and his neighbor, he received the body of Christ from the bishop, from Tassach; and he afterwards resigned his spirit to heaven.

Appropinquante autem hora obitus sui, sacrificium ab Episcopo Tassach sumpsit quod viaticum vitae aeternae ex consilio Victoris acceperat, et deinceps post mortuos suscitatos, post multum populum ad Deum conversum, et post Episcopos et presbyteros in ecclesiis ordinatos, et toto ordine Ecclesiastico conversa tota Scotia ad fidem Christi, anno aetatis suae cxii. obdormivit in vitam aeternam.

Amen. I beseech the mercy of God, through the intercession of Patrick. May we all reach that union; may we deserve it; may we inhabit it for ever and ever. Essa and Bite and Tassach were his three artists. His three embroiderers were Lupait, and Ere, daughter of Daire, and Cruimthiris in Cenn-Gobha.

When Patrick concluded his triumphant career in the present life, as the Apostle Paul said, "I have fought the good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith; as to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge will render to me in that day," he received communion and sacrifice from Bishop Tassach.

Patrick approached. He received the Body of Christ from the bishop, from Tassach, according to the advice of the angel Victor. He resigned his spirit afterwards to heaven, in the one hundred and twentieth year of his age. His body is here still in the earth, with honor and reverence.

Patrick brought quite a bevy of workmen into Ireland about 440: some were smiths, Mac Cecht, Laebhan, and Fontchan, who were turned at once upon making of bells, while some other skilled artificers, Fairill and Tassach, made patens and chalices. St. Bridget, too, had a famous goldsmith in her train, one Bishop Coula. The pectoral cross of St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne is now to be seen in Durham.

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