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Updated: August 8, 2024

The ever changing electrical current passes up through the stylus, vibrates with ever varying degrees of intensity over the thousand miles of telephone wire between Chicago and this instrument here at the other end of the line. "In this receiving apparatus the current causes another stylus to pass over a sheet of sensitised chemical paper such as we have here.

"Yessir?" "I need a spack. Full gear including bubble." "Yessir." The spaceman looked him over with a practiced eye. "One full space pack. That would be medium-large, right, sir?" "Correct." Rip took the counter stylus and inscribed his name, serial number, and signature on the blank plastic sheet. Gears whirred as the data was recorded.

From this belt depended a sheathed dagger, a square writing tablet, and a pencil- shaped implement which he immediately recognized as the antique form of stylus. His feet were shod with sandals his arms were bare to the shoulder, and clasped at the upper part by two broad silver armlets richly chased.

Apollonius moved by the sufferings of women and children, took his stand in the market place, and with his stylus wrote in large characters upon a tablet the following advice to the speculators in grain: "The earth, the common mother of all, is just. But, ye being unjust, would make her a bountiful mother to yourselves alone.

That’s it!" The details took form in his mind even as he called orders. "Dominico, tear down that bomb. Santos, remove two heads from your rockets and wire them to explode on electrical impulse. Kemp, we’ll want the tube just a fraction of an inch wider than a rocket head. Get your torch ready." He took the stylus and began calculating.

"I must put in a word on behalf of Pontius the architect," interposed Verus. "He is a man of at least average height." "Let us admit it to satisfy your sense of justice," returned Balbilla. "Let us admit it a man of average height, with a papyrus-roll in his right-hand and a stylus in the left, controls them. Now, does my way of stating it please you better?"

"Next time around," Rip called to the others. He then led the way full speed ahead until they reached the safety of shadow again. Rip suspected the stylus was somewhere above the rock and probably wouldn't return to the surface for some minutes. While he was wondering what to do, there was a chorus of yells. A rocket sped between the Planeteers and shot off into space.

"I must put in a word on behalf of Pontius the architect," interposed Verus. "He is a man of at least average height." "Let us admit it to satisfy your sense of justice," returned Balbilla. "Let us admit it a man of average height, with a papyrus-roll in his right-hand and a stylus in the left, controls them. Now, does my way of stating it please you better?"

The two phases of the ideogram used in his name the sceptre and the stylus are thus united in the personage of Nusku precisely as in Nabu. On the other hand, the manner in which Ashurbanabal speaks of him reflects the mythological aspect of Nusku. In the religious literature Nusku is the messenger of Bel-Marduk, who conveys the message of the latter to Ea.

The curate, astonished at his quickness and intelligence, made him a present of pens, paper, and a penknife. This demanded new effort, but nothing compared to the first; at the end of a week he wrote as well with this pen as with the stylus.

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