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He does not appear to have made observations himself in Alexandria, but he uses those of Aristyllus and Timochares of that place. Indeed, his great discovery of the precession of the equinoxes was essentially founded on the discussion of the Alexandrian observations on Spica Virginis made by Timochares.

The most commonly known species are L. vera, L. spica and L stæchas. It has been gathered between Nice and Cosni, in the neighborhood of Limoné, on the elevated slopes of the mountains of western Liguria, and in Etruria on hills near the sea.

Therefore I remember that in order to be exact, I calculated the future conjunctions of those two planets," and he pointed to Saturn and Jupiter. "Finding that one of these occurred near yonder star," and he indicated the bright orb, Spica, "at a certain time, I determined that then I would awake. Behold!

Hist. 16, 158 geniculata cetera gracilitas nodisque distincta, speaking of the harundo. SPICI: besides spica, the forms spicum and spicus are occasionally found. Spici here is explanatory frugem. VALLO: for the metaphor compare N.D. 2, 143 munitae sunt palpebrae tamquam vallo pilorum; Lucr. 2, 537.

At that time it probably shone with the blinding white splendor of such stars as Sirius, Spica, and Vega; now it resembles the relatively dull Procyon; in time it will turn ruddy and fall into the closing cycle represented by Antares.

It gave the men much pleasure and a deal of sport and the Fish very good eating. Course SSE 203 miles. Wind NE. strong, Trades. Observatn., Lat. 18 10 N. Long. 37 32 W. Chronometer loses too much. Took Spica and Aquila at 7 p. m., Long. 35 30 W. Little Jacob didn't know what Spica and Aquila were, and he asked Captain Solomon. "They are stars, Jacob, and rather bright ones," said Captain Solomon.

In calm glory all the stars of Orion hold the place of honor, in meridian, to the south, with the Dog-star a little to the left. And now, just rising, Spica, late, low, and slightly veil'd.