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The youngest of the Emerys, many years the junior of her brothers and sister, knew nothing at all of the anxious bitter-sweet of these early endeavors for sophistication. By the time she came to conscious, individual life the summit had been virtually reached.

A deeper faith would have said, 'Perish court favour and everything that hinders me from making known whose I am. But Naaman is an early example of the family of 'Facing-both-ways, and of trying to 'make the best of both worlds. But his sophistication of conscience will not do, and his own dissatisfaction with his excuse peeps out plainly in his petition that he may be forgiven.

New England traits seemed to awake within her in this New England home. Sylvia was using the willow ware now, Rose was so pleased with it. The Calkin's soap ware was packed away on the top shelf of the pantry. "It is perfectly impossible, Aunt Sylvia," Rose had declared, and Sylvia had listened. She listened with much more docility than at first to the decrees of sophistication.

Long afterward, when he had realized that the boy's life was to bring again and again a repetition of that sublime moment of realization a moment of fulfillment unspoiled by surfeit or sophistication or a blunted capacity to marvel, which Caleb had seen grow old and stale even in the children he knew, he wondered and wished that he might have known it himself, once at least.

Frear inconsiderately neglected to prepare her for his departure, the news of which was conveyed to her in a singular manner, and by none other than Mr. Johnny Tiernan of the tin shop, their conversation throwing some light, not only on Lise's sophistication, but on the admirable and intricate operation of Hampton's city government.

With any ambassador went a bevy of young gentlemen, who on their return diffused a certain mysterious sophistication which was the envy of home-keeping youth.

It has more of sophistication than most: the Virgin not only recognizes the honour, but the doom, which the painter himself foreshadows in the predella, where Christ is seen rising from the grave. None of Fra Angelico's simple radiance here, and none of Fra Lippo Lippi's glorified matter-of-fact. Here is tragedy. The painting of the Virgin's head-dress is again marvellous.

Lem, with a grand air, "or would you prefer to go directly upstairs to your chamber?" There was an atmosphere of the world about Sylvia which Mrs. Lem recognized at once from long experience with summer people; and secure in her pompadour, the psyche knot, and the shine of her best gown, she wished to show this young girl that her sophistication was shared even in a rural district.

It is much the same in New York and London. It is only a question of more or less sophistication." "Mr. Henderson tells us," said my wife, "that you knew the Eschelles in London." "Yes. Miss Eschelle almost had a career there last season." "Why almost?" "Well you will pardon me one needs for success in these days to be not only very clever, but equally daring.

They were big, quiet, expectant fellows, with less sophistication and polemic than their American counterparts, less stolid aggressiveness than their parallels in England, if they have parallels there.