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Updated: August 9, 2024

The soote season that bud and blome forth brings, With green hath clad the hill, and eke the vale, The nightingale with fethers new she sings, The turtle to her mate hath told the tale, Somer is come, for every spray now springs. * And thus I see among these pleasant things, Eche care decay; and yet my sorrow springs.

He boldly struck the strings, and the little birds, which by this time had gone to rest in the linden-tree, again uplifted their little heads, and all that had ears and soul, near and far, Ann not the least, hearkened as he began with his clear voice and noble skill. "To all this goodly company I sing as best I may, A madrigal of ladies fair And damsels soote and gay.

Prichard, at Cavendish Square, she having come from Ealing by the 'bus to overhaul the position with Uncle Mo, and settle whether she and Dave and Dolly could return next week with safety. They had decided in the negative, and Mr. Bartlett had said it was open to them to soote themselves.

"The widder two pair up at Number Seven? What hooks?" "She's slipped her wind, handed in her chips." "Mean she's dead? Carn't you say so, mister?" "Sharp boy! That's what she is. Dead." "That won't soote Aunt M'riar." Micky had only known old Maisie by repute, but he knew the Court's love for her. A wish for some confirmation of the convict's statement arose in his mind.

He boldly struck the strings, and the little birds, which by this time had gone to rest in the linden-tree, again uplifted their little heads, and all that had ears and soul, near and far, Ann not the least, hearkened as he began with his clear voice and noble skill. "To all this goodly company I sing as best I may, A madrigal of ladies fair And damsels soote and gay.

He boldly struck the strings, and the little birds, which by this time had gone to rest in the linden-tree, again uplifted their little heads, and all that had ears and soul, near and far, Ann not the least, hearkened as he began with his clear voice and noble skill. "To all this goodly company I sing as best I may, A madrigal of ladies fair And damsels soote and gay.

Then do thei ceare it ouer with Mirrhe and Cinamome and suche other thinges as wil not onely preserue it to continuaunce, but also make it soote smelling. Before the body be enterred, the kindesfolke of the deade signifie to the iudges, and the friendes of this passed, the day of the burial. The maner wherof is this.

Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages. The Canterbury Tales.

Why, Ruth studied Saxon, became clever in it, that was two years ago, and all that she remembers of it now is 'Whan that sweet Aprile with his schowers soote' isn't that the way it goes?" "But it's given you the culture tone just the same," he laughed, again heading her off. "I know. We were in the same classes." "But you speak of culture as if it should be a means to something," Ruth cried out.

"'This yere leapin' comes first on the bill. I ain't been in the ring yet; the tumblin' business is where I makes my deeboo. I've got on a white clown soote with big red spots, an' my face is all flour. I'm as certain of my comin' pop'larity as a wet dog.

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