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This is deeply to be regretted, for the plenipotentiary of Mourad was a woman, the same Sitty Nefiçah whom Kléber has immortalized by proclaiming her beneficence, her noble character, in the bulletin of Heliopolis, and who moreover was already celebrated from one extremity of Asia to the other, in consequence of the bloody revolutions which her unparalleled beauty had excited among the Mamelukes.

Then, he looked twice. It was not lodged. It was stuck down in the branches secure against the wind. The ranger pulled the thing off. The under side showed tobacco stains. On the upper were scrawled in heavy pencil; By. 20 ml du est if yu don't cath upp hit itt est flagg midnite frate carrie yu mine sitty. "Railway twenty miles due East," translated Wayland. "That is probably true.

In this moral desert, where all humanized feelings were withered and parched like the sands of the Soudan, the guilelessness of the children had been welcomed like springs of water, as the only refreshing feature in a land of sin and darkness. "Where are you going?" cried poor little Abbai in the broken Arabic that we had taught him. "Take me with you, Sitty!"

Tim walked back to the fence. In the morning the farm superintendent found on the door-sill a roughly pencilled note which read: "Hav goan bak to the sitty P S chefetun warnted to goe so I tuk him. Tim Doyle." They were ten days on the road, ten delightful days of irresponsible vagabondism. Sometimes Tim rode on Chieftain's back and sometimes he walked beside him.

In this moral desert, where all humanized feelings were withered and parched like the sands of the Soudan, the guilelessness of the children had been welcomed like springs of water, as the only refreshing feature in a land of sin and darkness. "Where are you going?" cried poor little Abbai in the broken Arabic that we had taught him. "Take me with you, Sitty!"

I wish I had such a Forrest in my Garding! Copyrighted by G.W. Dillingham and Company, New York. In the fall of 1856 I showed my show in Utiky, a trooly grate sitty in the State of New York. The people gave me a cordyal recepshun. The press was loud in her prases.

Bless our food and fellowship upon this joyful occasion, for the sake of Christ our Lord, Amen." Hist. Society. Amazing as their triumph was, Pepperrell's soldiers were not satisfied with the capitulation, and one of them utters his disapproval in his diary thus: "Sabbath Day, ye 16th June. They came to Termes for us to enter ye Sitty to morrow, and Poore Termes they Bee too."

"A base exhibiter of depraved monkeys and onprincipled wax works!" sed Uriah. "Hello, Uriah," sez I, "I'd most forgot you. Wall, look out for them fits of yourn, and don't catch cold and die in the flour of your youth and beauty." And I resoomed my jerney. In the Faul of 1856, I showed my show in Uticky, a trooly grate sitty in the State of New York. The people gave me a cordyal recepshun.