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"This'll burn to the bone; you'll see it smoke upon 'im like 'ell-fire! One drop upon 'is bloomin' heyesight, and I'll trouble you for Attwater!" "No, no, by God!" exclaimed the captain. "Now, see 'ere, ducky," said Huish, "this is my bean-feast, I believe? I'm goin' up to that man single-'anded, I am. 'E's about seven foot high, and I'm five foot one.

"So I was," he said sternly. "So I was; but that's my business. I don't want your assistance; I can fight my own battles. You go to bed I'm going to tell the congregation I won the fight single-'anded." "So you have, Brother," said the other eagerly; "but it's doing me good to see it. It's a lesson to me; a lesson to all of us the way you wrestled."

Carteret-Jones passin' hawsers an' assistin' the impotent in a sea-way might come pretty expensive on the tax-payer. I agreed in a disciplined way. I ain't proud. Gawd knows I ain't proud! But when I'm really diggin' out in the fancy line, I sometimes think that me in a copper punt, single-'anded, 'ud beat a cutter-full of De Rougemongs in a row round the fleet."

Some folks most folks, I'm comin' to think just can't 'elp theirselves. But it's saddenin'." "0' course," suggested Sam, "I might take on the job single-'anded. My orders don't go beyond this place; but the beer'll wait, and 'Ucks per'aps won't mind my takin' a 'oliday not if I explain." Tilda regarded him for a while before answering.

'This'll burn to the bone; you'll see it smoke upon 'im like 'ell fire! One drop upon 'is bloomin' heyesight, and I'll trouble you for Attwater! 'No, no, by God! exclaimed the captain. 'Now, see 'ere, ducky, said Huish, 'this is my bean feast, I believe? I'm goin' up to that man single-'anded, I am. 'E's about seven foot high, and I'm five foot one.

They tumbled out and redded up the place in a hurry, folding away the rugs and linen which Bill, with his grimed fingers, did not dare to touch and stowing them as he directed. A damp fog permeated the cabin. "Single-'anded too, as you may say. 'E's a world's wonder, that man." The children too thought it marvellous when they reached the deck and gazed about them.