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And then the probing with wires, the tugs with wrenches, the wrestling with screw-drivers, the many trials, for the most part futile, the subdued language of the bunkers, and at length, when least expected, a start, and the machine goes off as if nothing at all had been the matter.

Hammers and saws, screw-drivers and chisels were busy day after day, and the missionary and his helpers laid the bricks one upon another until there rose up a strong church with windows and a door a place in which the people went to worship God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

After mischievously bungling with the magic which imprisoned the Djinn, we may wish we had not done it; but once he is out there is nothing for it but to be surprised and sorry. The lid is off; and it is useless for the clever reconstructionists to press in upon us with their little screw-drivers, chattering eagerly about locks and hinges.

For, after all, linked up in a hundred legends of the Middle Ages, may be found a symbolic pattern of hammers and nails and saws; and there is no reason why they should not have also sanctified screw-drivers.

Can you imagine these expert, able-bodied men putting laths on a wall with screw-drivers? When Elsie Hazzard, painfully aware of my annoyance, asked the two noblemen why on earth they couldn't get up for breakfast, they coldly informed her that they were civilised human beings and not larks.

He was like one of those unreasoning but still highly useful, multum in parvo, Sheffield contrivances, assuming the exterior though a little swelled of a common pocket knife; but containing, not only blades of various sizes, but also screw-drivers, cork-screws, tweezers, awls, pens, rulers, nail-filers, countersinkers.

In doing this, we would ordinarily, with our screw-drivers, take the gun to pieces, and remove from the stock all metallic parts. I never had any head for machinery, of any kind, but, from sheer necessity, did acquire enough of the faculty to take apart, and put together, an army musket, and that is about the full extent of my ability in that line.

But Jack was not one to give up while a single hope remained. "I could improvise a key," he said, and with decision hastily sought the hardware merchant. "Mr. Wells, did you save any screw-drivers?" he asked. "In a box down there. Help yourself." Running thither Jack found the tool, and immediately began taking the relay apart.

He was like one of those unreasoning but still highly useful, MULTUM IN PARVO, Sheffield contrivances, assuming the exterior though a little swelled of a common pocket knife; but containing, not only blades of various sizes, but also screw-drivers, cork-screws, tweezers, awls, pens, rulers, nail-filers, countersinkers.

He led the way down, locked up the mill again and the outer gate, and then entered the garden and crossed it to the coach-house, where the packages brought down were waiting. "Go to the tool-chest and fetch an iron chisel and the biggest hammer," said Uncle Richard. "No, it's screwed down. Bring the two largest screw-drivers."