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Worthington Vaughan was dead; he had been strangled so much was clear; but not a scintilla of evidence had as yet been introduced as to who had strangled him. Then a movement of interest ran through the crowd, for a policeman came from the direction of the house accompanied by two strange figures.

The Hebrews in their servile period caught not a scintilla of the Egyptian faith. In their exile it is probable that they did get some unrecorded influence from their Persian neighbors.

Imagine, if one can, without becoming sick at the stomach, all of these people having to wash in and drink of this foul flow. There is not a scintilla of exaggeration in this statement. That it is within the exact truth is demonstrable by the testimony of any man Rebel or Union who ever saw the inside of the Stockade at Andersonville.

When he understood my situation thoroughly he asked: "And what do you propose to do?" "I propose," I said, "to live here unobtrusively, visiting no one, receiving no one and, by all the means in our power, arranging that as few persons as possible may know of my presence here. There is not the faintest scintilla of hope in my doing anything whatever.

If Scintilla had no liking for the best sort of nonconformity, she was without any troublesome bias towards Episcopacy, Anglicanism, and early sacraments, and was quite contented not to go to church.

It was during a business sojourn in London that he met Scintilla, who, though without fortune, associated with families of Greek merchants living in a style of splendour, and with artists patronised by such wealthy entertainers.

"And you drank it?" "Yees, sir." "It never occurred to you, Jimmy, that there was nothing the matter with you that you were never feeling better in your life, and that you did not require any medicine?" "No, sir." "Did one single scintilla of thought of any kind occur to you in connection with the matter, Jimmy, from beginning to end?" "No, sir." People who never met Jimmy disbelieve this story.

His manner and gesture could not be called good, and yet Bart felt that he was in the presence of a formidable man. His mind was one of a high order, without a scintilla of genius or any of its elements.

So I did the Prodigal Son dodge, as you know, and out of the proceeds sent you my year's exes in that cheque you with your damnable pride sent me back again. And now, old fellow, that I have you face to face at last, can you offer the faintest scintilla of a shadow of a reason for refusing to take that cheque? No, you can't! Nothing but simple beastly stuckuppishness.

Oh yes, my wife has just reminded me, there was a haunch of bear-meat as a side dish, Scintilla ate some of it without knowing what it was, and she nearly puked up her guts when she found out. But as for me, I ate more than a pound of it, for it tasted exactly like wild boar and, says I, if a bear eats a man, shouldn't that be all the more reason for a man to eat a bear?