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I related what had happened to Romanones with great force. The Secretary then answered. "The young man is right," said the Count. "Bring me the roll of the draft." The roll was brought. Romanones took his pen and crossed my name off altogether. Then he turned to me with a smile: "Don't you care to be a soldier?" "No, sir." "But what are you, a student?" "Yes, sir." "In which branch?" "Medicine."

Presently, with an exultant sense of release, but with an increasing liability to bad dreams, she went abroad to join Richard, at first at the post he held at the Romanones Mines in Andalusia, and then in Rio de Janeiro. There she was happy. She was one of those Northerners to whom the South belongs far more truly than it does to any of its natives.

Finally, it occurred to me to go and see the Conde de Romanones, who had just been appointed Alcalde del Centro, having jurisdiction over the district. When I entered his office, Romanones appeared to be in a jovial frame of mind. He wore a flower in his button-hole. Two persons were with him, one of whom was no other than the Secretary of the Board, my enemy.

It was Yaverland's opportunity, for he had spent two years as chemist at the Romanones mines in Andalusia; and he had learned by now the art of talking to the Scotch, whom he had discovered to be as extravagantly literate as they were unsensuous.

It would be interesting to know just to what extent these commend themselves to Pablo and Emiliano Iglesias and the professed political Socialists. Of the existing parties, the Liberal, being more or less an association of groups tending to the left, is the least homogeneous. Its most prominent leader of late years has been the Conde de Romanones, who may scarcely be said to represent a new era.

Surely the proverb "Where flour is lacking, everything goes packing," could never have been applied with more truth. And we could get no flour. When the bakery was just about to do better, the Conde de Romanones, who was our landlord in those days, notified us that the building was to be torn down. Then our troubles began.

There was that week when he and Perez and the two French chemists and the handful of loyal workmen held the Romanones Works against the strikers. He was conscious that he had behaved well on these occasions and that they had been full of beauty, but they had not nourished him. They had ended when they ended.