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We have already observed, that all the strata of the earth are composed either from the calcareous relicts of sea animals, or from the collection of such materials as we find upon our shores. At a gross computation, there may perhaps be a fourth part of our solid land, which is composed from the matter that had belonged to those animals.

The doctor was to ride in my sleigh, while his assistant in another vehicle kept company with the relicts. The kegs, boxes, and bundles of Arctic zoology did not form a comfortable couch, and I never envied their conductor. On the day fixed for our departure we sent our papers to the station in the forenoon, and were told we could be supplied at sunset or a little later.

In retired nooks on the margins of these shady rivulets, a few families or small hordes of aborigines still linger in nearly their primitive state, the relicts of their once numerous tribes. We set out at sunrise, in a small igarite, manned by six young Indian paddlers.

The first kind of these appearances is that of known bodies which we find composing part of the masses of our land, bodies whose natural history we know, as having existed in another state previous to the composition of this earth where they now are found; these are the relicts or parts of animal and vegetable bodies, and various stony substances broken and worn by attrition, all which had belonged to a former earth.

Therefore, whether we consider the quantity or the quality of the materials which are found composing the soil upon the surface of the earth, we must be led to acknowledge an immense waste of the solid parts, in procuring those relicts which indicate what had been destroyed.

It is in the valley of the Madelena that M. Bouguer found those grand relicts of the wasted strata; but we are now to take a view of a country situated high above the level of that valley.

Dress and the repast exceeded all other matters in complexity and difficulty. But on the morning of the funeral Aunt Harriet had the satisfaction of beholding her younger sister the centre of a tremendous cocoon of crape, whose slightest pleat was perfect. Aunt Harriet seemed to welcome her then, like a veteran, formally into the august army of relicts.

We who lived before railways are antediluvians we must pass away. We are growing scarcer every day; and old old very old relicts of the times when George was still fighting the Dragon. Not long since, a company of horseriders paid a visit to our watering-place. We went to see them, and I bethought me that young Walter Juvenis, who was in the place, might like also to witness the performance.

We passed through a part of the building where, among old, toothless women, semi-imbecile girls the relicts of error, the heirs of affliction three babies of one mother were in charge of a strong, rosy Irish nurse. Two of them, twins, were in her lap, and a third upon the floor halloaing for joy.

Z. Gray, in a note on these lines, quotes Selden's note on Drayton's Polyolbion: 'About the year 1570, Madoc, brother to David Ap Owen, Prince of Wales, made a sea-voyage to Florida; and by probability those names of Capo de Breton in Norimberg, and Penguin in part of the Northern America, for a white rock and a white-headed bird, according to the British, were relicts of this discovery.