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Updated: August 19, 2024

In all forms of incipient ringbone except rachitic, the first manifestation of its existence, or of injury to the ligaments in the region of the pastern joint which causes periostitis, or affections of the articular portions of the proximal inter-phalangeal joint, is lameness.

He considers ringbone as articular, periarticular, rachitic and traumatic. A mode of classification that is common and in a practical way, good, is, high and low ringbone. When prognosis is considered, for instance, it is very convenient to state that the chances for recovery are much better in high ringbone than in low ringbone. The classification of Möller will be followed here. Symptomatology.

Children who are half-starved, just when they most need ample and nutritious food and how many such there are during every crisis and even when trade is at its best must inevitably become weak, scrofulous and rachitic in a high degree. And that they do become so, their appearance amply shows.

Exostosis of the first and second phalanges is usually due to some form of injury, whether it be a contusion, a lacerated wound which damages the periosteum, or periostititis and osteitis incited by concussions of locomotion, or ligamentous strain. Practically the only exception is in the rachitic form of ringbone which affects young animals.

In young and rachitic animals outdoor exercise and a good nutritive ration for the subject are indicated. Hypophosphites in assimilable form may be beneficial, and vesication of the patellar region contributes to recovery. Where extreme luxation is present in both stifles, the prognosis is unfavorable.

I have also met persons who claim to have been cured of rachitic troubles in their youth by eating a puppy dog cooked in a saucepan. But only one kind of dog is good for this purpose, to be procured from those foundling hospitals whither hundreds of illegitimate infants are taken as soon as possible after birth.

This type of ringbone as well as the articular may occur "high" or "low." With the traumatic form of ringbone, all consequences, as to the size and form the exostosis is to assume, depend upon the nature and extent of the injury. Rachitic ringbone is frequently observed in some sections of the country and does not ordinarily cause much if any lameness.

Guggenbühl before us, we select one as the type of a large class, in which the development of the intellect seems to have been retarded by the physical disorder, but proceeded regularly on the return of health. "C. was four years old when she entered, with every symptom of confirmed rachitic cretinism.

He was short of stature, spindle-shanked, rachitic and malformed, and of his face, with its colossal nose, loose mouth and shallow brow, Giovio says that "it was the ugliest ever seen on man." Such was the person of the young king he was twenty-four years of age at the time who poured his legions into Rome, and all full-armed as if for work of immediate destruction.

Braun gives the account of a Porro-Cesarean operation in the case of a rachitic dwarf 3 feet 10 inches tall, in which both the mother and child recovered. Munde speaks of twins being delivered by Cesarean section. Franklin gives the instance of a woman delivered at full term of a living child by this means, in whom was also found a dead fetus.

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