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Updated: August 27, 2024

Ah! here comes the music; now for it! Now, boys! Bang it, bell-boy! Rig it, dig it, stig it, quig it, bell-boy! Make fire-flies; break the jinglers! PIP. Jinglers, you say? there goes another, dropped off; I pound it so. CHINA SAILOR. Rattle thy teeth, then, and pound away; make a pagoda of thyself. FRENCH SAILOR. Merry-mad! Hold up thy hoop, Pip, till I jump through it!

Her face was covered with freckles and she was so unqualifiedly plain and homely in face and attire that she might be said to have been attractive on the ground of novelty. "Pepsy," said Mrs. Quig, addressing her, "you shake hands with Walter and tell him you and he are going to be good friends. You come right here and do as I say now and no more of those looks."

"Are not my feathers very smooth and fine?" "Yea, smooth and fine; what a pity, though, that they are mildewed and dusty!" "And my straight neck?" "Yes, wonderfully straight, straight as this" said Lox to himself, taking up a crooked stick. And then he sang: "Mecha guiskipat kasqu', Mecha quig nat kasqu'." The Crane has a very ugly neck, The Crane has dirty, ugly legs.

About midway of this lonely road was Everdoze, and in a pleasant old-fashioned white house in Everdoze lived Ebenezer Quig who once upon a time had married Pee-wee's Aunt Jamsiah. The letter, as has been said, bore the postmark of Everdoze and had been stamped by the very hand of Simeon Drowser, the local postmaster.

Pinky turned a little pale. "Only Mother Quig," said Norah, with an indifferent air; "she has to do it 'most every night no getting along any other way with Tom. It beats all how much he can stand." "Oh, Norah, won't she never stop?" cried Pinky, starting up. "I can't bear it a minute longer." "Shut y'r ears. You've got to," answered the woman, with some impatience in her voice.

Ah! here comes the music; now for it! Here you are, Pip; and there's the windlass-bits; up you mount! Now, boys! Go it, Pip! Bang it, bell-boy! Rig it, dig it, stig it, quig it, bell-boy! Make fire-flies; break the jinglers! Jinglers, you say? there goes another, dropped off; I pound it so. Rattle thy teeth, then, and pound away; make a pagoda of thyself. Merry-mad!

"'Lift thig dam trap, quig! he shouted in a stifled voice; but the inspector and the detective simply doubled before him, and tried to hold their noses, whilst they laughed, and the light from their lanterns went dancing all over the place. "'Quig! quig! said the man in the cage, still holding his nose, and trying to speak plainly.

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