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Relative to the size of an aneurysm, Warren reported a case of the abdominal aorta which commenced at the origin of the celiac axis and passed on to the surfaces of the psoas and iliac muscles, descending to the middle of the thigh The total length of the aneurysm was 19 inches, and it measured 18 inches in circumference.

The Archbishop died in eighteen hours, and the autopsy showed that the ball had fractured the transverse process of the 3d lumbar vertebra, and divided the cauda equina just below its origin; it had then changed direction and passed up toward the left kidney, dividing the ureter near the pelvis, and finally lodged in the psoas muscle.

They are found also in the diverticula of the synovial membrane, in the shoulder in the downward prolongation along the tendon of the biceps, in the hip in the bursal extension beneath the psoas. The patient complains of increasing disability of the limb, movements of the joint becoming more and more restricted and painful.

The bursa between the psoas muscle and the capsule of the hip-joint may be the seat of tuberculous disease, and give rise to clinical features not unlike those of disease of the hip-joint.

We have observed this form of tuberculous disease in the gastrocnemius and in the psoas in the latter muscle apart from tuberculous disease in the vertebræ. #Tendinitis.# German authors describe an inflammation of tendon as distinguished from inflammation of its sheath, and give it the name tendinitis.

Ignorance is a reality on which we feed; science is a reality on which we starve. In general one is obliged to choose between two things to be learned and grow thin, or to browse and be an ass. O gentlemen, browse! Science is not worth a mouthful of anything nice. I had rather eat a sirloin of beef than know what they call the psoas muscle. I have but one merit a dry eye.

In the publication before alluded to, I have mentioned the case of a middle-aged man with a psoas abscess depending in diseased bone, in whom the sinus finally closed after months of patient perseverance with the antiseptic treatment.

The best illustration of this is seen in the psoas abscess, which may originate in the dorsal vertebræ, extend downwards within the sheath of the psoas muscle, and finally appear in the thigh. #Clinical Features.# The insidious development of the tuberculous abscess is one of its characteristic features.

The posterior part lies partly upon and partly in the texture of the sacrosciatic ligament. Anatomy. It runs ventrally and backward, at first between the psoas major and minor, then crosses the deep face of the tendon of the latter and descends under cover of the sartorious over the terminal part of the iliopsoas. Branches supply the stifle and the adductor and pectineus muscles.

The lumbosacral plexus results substantially from the union of the ventral branches of the last three lumbar and the first two sacral nerves, but it derives a small root from the third lumbar nerve also. The anterior part of the plexus lies in front of the internal iliac artery, between the lumbar transverse processes and the psoas minor.