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At the autopsy it was found that the knife had passed through the gluteal muscles and divided part of the great sacrosciatic ligament. It then passed through the small sacrosciatic notch, completely dividing the pudic artery and nerve, and one vein, each end being closed by a clot. The knife entered the bladder close to the trigone, making an opening large enough to admit the index finger.

Urine escaped from both wounds and through the urethra. There were no bad symptoms, and the wounds healed in four weeks. The bladder is not always injured by penetration of the abdominal wall, but may be wounded by penetration through the anus or vagina, or even by an instrument entering the buttocks and passing through the smaller sacrosciatic notch.

The posterior part lies partly upon and partly in the texture of the sacrosciatic ligament. Anatomy. It runs ventrally and backward, at first between the psoas major and minor, then crosses the deep face of the tendon of the latter and descends under cover of the sartorious over the terminal part of the iliopsoas. Branches supply the stifle and the adductor and pectineus muscles.

Couper reports a fatal case of stab-wound of the buttocks, in which the knife passed through the lesser sacrosciatic notch and entered the bladder close to the trigone. The patient was a man of twenty-three, a seaman, and in a quarrel had been stabbed in the buttocks with a long sailor's knife, with resultant symptoms of peritonitis which proved fatal.

The manner of attachment or connection between the ilia and the trunk is materially different from that of the scapulae, however, and the angles as formed by the long axes of the ilia in relation to the spinal column are maintained by two functionally antagonistic structures the sacrosciatic ligaments, and the abdominal muscles by means of the prepubian tendon.