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It is true that without his wishing this to be the case, his presence alone was sufficient to produce the effect; so much did his graceful and elegant manner render still more dull my stupid propositi.

We are quite alone. You never saw anything so unlike as being here five months out of place, to the congresses of a fortnight in place; but you know the "Justum et tenacem propositi virum" can amuse himself without the "Civium ardor!" As I have not so much dignity of character to fill up my time, I could like a little more company.

His baffled judges heard him repeating Horace's ode: Just um et tenacem propositi virum. . . . At the end of three hours he was carried back to his cell, broken but indomitable. The court condemned him to banishment; his accuser, Tichelaer, was not satisfied. Before long, at his instigation, the mob collected about the prison, uttering imprecations against the judges and their clemency.

Louis XVIII. remained alone, and turning his eyes on his half-opened Horace, muttered, "Justum et tenacem propositi virum." M. de Blacas returned as speedily as he had departed, but in the ante-chamber he was forced to appeal to the king's authority.

"Ay!" said the king, "say ye sae, man? Lord Glenvarloch, that was his name indeed Justus et tenax propositi A just man, but as obstinate as a baited bull. He stood whiles against us, that Lord Randal Olifaunt of Glenvarloch, but he was a loving and a leal subject in the main.

This index to his whole subsequent conduct was sanctioned by the approbation of both houses of Congress, and by the approving voice of the people. "To this sublime policy he invariably adhered, unmoved by foreign intrusion, unshaken by domestic turbulence. "'Justum et tenacem propositi virum, Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultus instantis tyranni Mente quatit solida.

Let us fall upon all Classicals and Liberals without distinction of age or sex, and put them all to the sword with ridicule. There must be no quarter." "We must act honorably; there must be no bribing with copies of books or presents; no taking money of publishers. We must inaugurate a Restoration of Journalism." "Good!" said Martainville. "Justum et tenacem propositi virum!

No true man need blush that he has loved such a woman: and you are both true men, if a trifle obstinate justi et tenaces propositi. Men of your character, Flaccus tells us, do not blench at the thunderbolts of Jove himself; and truly, I can well imagine his missile fizzing harmlessly into your party hedge, unable to decide between the pavilion of Captain John and the pavilion of Captain Jeremy.

"Nor put off our designs for a child's play," said D'Effiat impatiently, and wrapping himself in a cloak which was thrown over him. "Remember the lines we formerly so frequently quoted, 'Justum et tenacem Propositi viruna'; these iron words are stamped upon my brain. Yes; let the universe crumble around me, its wreck shall carry me away still resolute."

"Nor put off our designs for a child's play," said D'Effiat impatiently, and wrapping himself in a cloak which was thrown over him. "Remember the lines we formerly so frequently quoted, 'Justum et tenacem Propositi viruna'; these iron words are stamped upon my brain. Yes; let the universe crumble around me, its wreck shall carry me away still resolute."