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It is not a product of modern society, but an heirloom that has come down to us from feudal times, when power, wealth, and culture were in the hands of a privileged few. If there ever was in Russia a period corresponding to the feudal times in Western Europe, it has long since been forgotten.

"I wonder how it is that plain girls so often have money. I suppose the money-grubbing spirit comes out in ugliness in the female branch." Tea was brought in, but Beth refused to take any. The doctor tried to persuade her. "You had better change your mind," he said. "Ladies are privileged to change their minds." "I know," said Beth. "Ladies are privileged to be foolish.

All were privileged to engage in this sport but the women were especially active, pursuing the men, who tried to avoid them, some taking refuge behind my tent. The women followed one man through the enclosure surrounding the tent, at my invitation, but they did not succeed in catching him. This practical joking was continued on the following days except the last.

Protestantism was not only the privileged, but it was also the polite, creed; the creed of the upper classes, as distinguished from the creed of the potato-diggers and the turf-cutters; a view of the matter of which distinct traces may even yet be discovered in Ireland.

That Edwin's visit at the poorhouse was profitable, both to himself and to others, it is needless to say. On Sunday he preached to a large audience, and he was privileged also to visit and pray for many who were unable to meet in the chapel. Thus, he who was once a poor waif in this institution was enabled to be a help and a blessing to those who were still unfortunate.

Possibly you have been privileged to hear the frank and unofficial opinion of some native of that country an opinion not intended for your ears, but addressed to a compatriot of the speaker of English people in general, based upon his experience of those whom he has seen. Such an experience is quite illuminating.

The day when learning had been a monopoly of a privileged few came to an end. And the last excuse for ignorance was removed from this world, when Elzevier of Haarlem began to print his cheap and popular editions.

Had Prescott been a cadet private the sentry would have questioned him as to his reasons for being out after taps. But with a cadet captain it was different. Though Prescott was not cadet officer of the day, he was privileged to have official reasons for being out without making an accounting to the sentry. Slowly the yearling sentry paced down to the further end of his post.

He was, like his kinsman, a privileged person with the sovereign, and he, too, was permitted to enter the tent unchallenged. He entered it with a graver demeanor than he had worn that evening, for he was strangely perplexed by the presence at the king's ball this night of the girl whom he had seen at the country Inn.

I never lose interest in a golf game, but I must confess that I paid far more attention to her play than to my own. It was not the first time that I had witnessed a fine exhibition of golf by a woman, but it was the first time I had been privileged to see a strikingly pretty girl execute shots as they should be made.