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If you can start as a religious body with the approbation of Rome, this would be the holiest and most auspicious consummation. . . . Be guided at every step by the holy and enlightened men whose sympathies you have won and in whose hands you will be always safe: Cardinal Barnabo in primis, and after him Monsignor Bedini and Doctors Kirby and Smith. "Very faithfully yours in Christ, "Bishop of St.

A conqueror of the name of Silco there declares that he is king of the Nubians and all the Ethiopians; that in the upper part of his kingdom he is called Mars, and in the lower part Lion; that he is as great as any king of his day; that he has defeated the Blemmyes in battle again and again; and that he has made himself master of the country between Talmis and Primis.

"Hæc ante exitium primis dant signa diebus." Virgil. "Now my belief is and this is a matter upon which I should like to have your opinion, but my own belief is not that the good body improves the soul, but that the good soul improves the body. What do you say?"

I unfortunately did not take a copy of it, as it originally stood; but I have happily preserved every fragment of what Dr Johnson wrote: Quisquis ades, viator, Vel mente felix, vel studiis cultus, Immorare paululum memoriae TOBIAE SMOLLET M.D. Viri iis virtutibus Quas in homine et cive Et laudes, et imiteris, ..... Postquam mira... Se......... .... Tali tantoque viro, suo patrueli, ...... Hanc columnam, Amoris eheul inane monumentum, In ipsis Leviniae ripis, Quas primis infans vagitibus personuit, Versiculisque jam fere moriturus illustravit, Ponendam curavit .........

It is true that in his Agricola he speaks well of Livy, but at the same time he places Fabius Rusticus exactly upon the same level with him: for he says "that Livy among the ancients, and Fabius Rusticus among the modern authors were the most eloquent": "Livius veterum, Fabius Rusticus recentium, eloquentissimi auctores" ; he, therefore, never could have spoken of Livy, as Bracciolini speaks of him in the Annals, as "famous, above others," "praeclarus in primis."

IX. Revertentem ab legatione legionis divus Vespasianus inter patricios ascivit, ac deinde provinciae Aquitaniae praeposuit, splendidae in primis dignitatis, administratione ac spe consulatus, cui destinarat. Credunt plerique militaribus ingeniis subtilitatem deesse, quia castrensis jurisdictio secura et obtusior ac plura manu agens calliditatem fori non exerceat.

Then follows the successive generation of two pairs of deities, Lakhmu and Lakhamu, and Anshar and Kishar, long ages separating the two generations from each other and from the birth of the great gods which subsequently takes place. Quaestiones de primis principiis, cap. 125; ed. Kopp, p. 384.

The opinion entertained generally by the classical writers of Greece and Rome, that Man in the first stage of his existence was but just removed from the brutes, is faithfully expressed by Horace in his celebrated lines, which begin: Quum prorepserunt primis animalia terris. Sat. lib. 1, 3, 99.

But the experience has been gained with women of a certain type and has not equipped the man to deal with his wife. Though most women know in advance what is expected of them, some are even ignorant of the most elemental facts of sex, and even those who know are unprepared for reality. Too frequently the man regards himself as a Grand Seigneur with a paramount "Jus Primis Noctis."

"Multis legionibus," says Hyginus, "contigit bellum feliciter transigere, et ad laboriosam agriculturae requiem primo tyrocinii gradu pervenire. Nam cum signis et aquila et primis ordinibus et tribunis deducebantur."