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Updated: December 29, 2024
Quod quidem ni ita se haberet ut animi immortales essent, haud optimi cuiusque animus maxime ad immortalitatis gloriam niteretur. 83 Quid quod sapientissimus quisque aequissimo animo moritur, stultissimus iniquissimo, nonne vobis videtur is animus, qui plus cernat et longius, videre se ad meliora proficisci, ille autem, cuius obtusior sit acies, non videre?
Exerceat, Observe the subj. to express the views of others, not of the author. Secura agens. Requiring less anxious thought and mental acumen, and proceeding more by physical force. Secura==minus anxia. Dr. Cf. note, His. 1, 1. Obtusior==minus acuta. Togatos. Gall., Exc. Remissionumque. The Greeks and Romans both used the pl. of many abstracts, of which we use only the sing.
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