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Updated: August 23, 2024

If we had the yellow fever, we should prefer a man who had never treated any cases but cases of yellow fever to a man who had walked the hospitals of London and Paris for years, but who knew nothing of our particular disease. Let Lord Bacon speak for us: "Inductionem censemus eam esse demonstrandi formam, quae sensum tuetur, et naturam premit, et operibus imminet, ac fere immiscetur.

But we never have certain marks for recognizing this term, and we are never justified in considering a man utterly abandoned: that would be to pass a rash judgement. It were better always to have room for hope; and this is an occasion, with a thousand others, where our ignorance is beneficial. Prudens futuri temporis exitum Caliginosa nocte premit Deus.

Why doth he also waver from himself; for he citeth out of the Helvetic Confessor Jerome’s definition of a thing indifferent, and approveth it. Indifferens, saith he, illud est quod nec bonum nec malum est, ut sive feceris sive non feceris, nec justitiam habeas nec injustitiam. Sect. 1. For our better light in this question I will premit these considerations, 1.

We learn from our Master, that the scandal of one is to be cared for, much more the scandal of many, especially if those many be of the number of the little ones which believe in him, Matt. xviii. 6. But for our clearer proceeding in this argument I will premit these propositions, of which we are to make use. Sect 2. 1st.

The most profound joy has more of severity than gaiety, in it. The highest and fullest contentment offers more of the grave than of the merry: "Ipsa felicitas, se nisi temperat, premit."

Tot premit ordinibus, tot adhuc compagibus altum AEdificat caput: Andromachen a fronte videbis; Post minor est: Altam credas. Juv.

How little we either of us, my mother and I, saw into the future beyond a few immediate inches before our noses! Truly prudens futuri temporis exitum caliginosâ nocte premit Deus! And when I hear talk of "conduct making fate," I often think humbly and gratefully, I trust; marvelling, certainly, how far it could have

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