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His experiments reveal, for example, that "coagulations" effected by different acids vary according to the fluid; thus, the addition of "alumina" to bovine amniotic fluid produced a few, fine precipitations, whereas the allantoic fluid was precipitated like urine.

To prevent this as far as possible, they are washed with solutions of volatile salts, as will be described in some of the following procedures. In all precipitations the reagent should be added slowly, with constant stirring, and should be hot when circumstances permit.

The inference of frozen precipitations could scarcely be resisted when once it was clearly perceived that the shining polar zones did actually by turns diminish and grow with the alternations of summer and winter in the corresponding hemisphere. This, it may be said, was the opening of our acquaintance with the state of things prevailing on the surface of Mars.

Of all kinships it is likely that the closest is that of cousin. Between cousins there exist the ties of race, name, and favor ties thicker than water, and yet not coagulated with the jealous precipitations of brotherhood or the enjoining obligations of the matrimonial yoke.

It followed that they were regions of increased heat regions, in fact, where the temperature was too high to permit the occurrence of the precipitations to which the photosphere is due. Their obscurity was attributed, as in Dr. Brester's more recent Théorie du Soleil, to deficiency of emissive power. Yet here the verdict of the spectroscope is adverse and irreversible.

Upon this, other stratified rocks, composed sometimes of a mixture, sometimes of an alternation of precipitations, sediments, and occasionally of conglomerates, were by degrees deposited, giving rise to the TRANSITION formations. "Beneath this crust a new process now commenced.

"The precipitations are his." "Ah, well, at least you help him to fuse the constituents! . . . But now, be quite confidential to an old man who has experimented too. Is your husband really an amateur scientist, or is he a scientific amateur? Is it a pose or a taste? I fiddled once and wrote sonnets; one was a pose, the other a taste."

Now the Plot had its desir'd effect, for he push'd the King upon all manner of Precipitations; and if even the Abrogratzians themselves who were about the King, interpos'd for more temperate Proceedings, he would call them Cowards, Strangers, ignorant of the Temper of the Lunarians, who when they were a going, might be driven, but if they were suffered to cool and consider, would face about and fall off.

As has been stated, the polar snows of Mars prove in an incontrovertible manner that this planet, like the earth, is surrounded by an atmosphere capable of transporting vapor, from one place to another. These snows are, in fact, precipitations of vapor, condensed by the cold, and carried with it successively. How carried with it if not by atmospheric movement?

I. Crystals increase by the greater attraction of their sides. Accretion by chemical precipitations, by welding, by pressure, by agglutination. II. Hunger, digestion, why it cannot be imitated out of the body. Lacteals absorb by animal selection or appetency. III. The glands and pores absorb nutritious particles by animal selection. Organic particles of Buffon.