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Posteriorly and near the superior extremity of the nasal passages, are two large openings, the guttural, that open into the pharyngeal cavity. The pharynx is a somewhat funnel-shaped cavity. The walls are thin and formed by muscles and mucous membrane. This is the cross-road between the digestive and respiratory passages. In the posterior portion of the cavity there are two openings.

* The Pyxicephalus adspersus of Dr. Smith. Length of head and body, 5-1/2 inches; fore legs, 3 inches; hind legs, 6 inches. Width of head posteriorly, 3 inches; of body, 4-1/2 inches.

The ball entered one inch above and in front of the right ear and made its exit through the lambdoidal suture posteriorly. Hall of Denver, Col., in an interesting study of gunshot wounds of the brain, writes as follows: "It is in regard to injuries involving the brain that the question of the production of immediate unconsciousness assumes the greatest interest.

I have seen men who resembled horses, owls, hawks, sheep, and geese. This one resembled the bird called the penguin. Read the description of the penguins: "Their feet are placed more posteriorly than in any other birds, and only afford them support by resting on the tarsus, which is enlarged, like the sole of the foot of a quadruped.

Then he can turn on his side and learn the side stroke, which is one of the best. Then he can turn on the face and learn various strokes. This is not the approved way of learning to swim, but it is the easiest and quickest way. To float simply means to get into balance in the water. It is necessary to arch the body, making the spine concave posteriorly, and bending the neck well backward at first.

The ball entered the right shoulder, immediately over the suprascapular notch, passed superficially upward and forward into the neck, wounding the esophagus posteriorly at a point opposite the thyroid cartilage, and lodged in the left side of the neck. The patient had little hemorrhage, but had expectorated and swallowed much blood.

It is connected with the special senses of touch, temperature and muscle-sense. The gray layer is connected with the posterior portion of the brain, the isthmus or medulla oblongata, by the white nerve tissue. The isthmus or medulla oblongata is elongated from before to behind and connects the cerebral hemispheres with the spinal cord, anteriorly and posteriorly.

The patient had been told by his native doctors, and he believed it himself, that there was no foreign body in the wound; but on probing it I easily recognized the lower edge of a hard metallic substance at a depth of about one inch posteriorly from the orifice of the sinus.

SEVEN YEARS. The teeth are usually whiter than the previous year. The profile of the upper corner teeth shows a notch in the posterior portion of the table surface. This is due to the superior corners overhanging the inferior corner teeth posteriorly, resulting in this portion not wearing away. This notch is sometimes slightly in evidence the previous year.

In the fish the marginal fins not only extend to the base of the tail, but are broader at the posterior end than elsewhere, whereas in other Flat-fishes the posterior part of the marginal fins are the narrowest parts. The shape of the fins and the breadth of the body posteriorly, then, are adaptations which have a definite function, that of enabling the fish to adhere to vertical surfaces.