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We may not, we need not, particularise, but the life that is found at last is as the fruit an hundredfold of the life that men called 'lost' and God called 'sown. 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord; they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them.

"What have you against her?" he said, with an assumption of carelessness which he did not feel. "Nothing definite," said the Commissioner. "Her principal accuser is the man Stay. Even he did not accuse her directly, but he hinted that she was responsible, in some way which he did not particularise, for Thornton Lyne's death.

But time would fail, and I fear it would be deemed too prolix, were I to attempt to particularise in ever so small a degree, the previous state, condition, and declension of the original inhabitants of so extensive a province." Upon the same subject, His Honour the Superintendent of Port Phillip thus writes:

Yet that failure, terrible as it was, was not by any means complete; its blackness was irradiated by a gleam of light here and there which sufficed to keep alive that spirit of hope and indomitable resolution which no misfortune could ever quite quench in the breast of the Japanese, and which was undoubtedly the determining factor in the campaign. To particularise.

"Amongst the especially welcome works are 'Southey's Life', the 'Women of France, Hazlitt's 'Essays, Emerson's 'Representative Men; but it seems invidious to particularise when all are good. . . . I took up a second small book, Scott's 'Suggestions on Female Education; that, too, I read, and with unalloyed pleasure. It is very good; justly thought, and clearly and felicitously expressed.

Pen," says my wife, closing my mouth in a way which I do not choose further to particularise; "that man is the best, the dearest, the kindest creature. I never knew such a good man; you ought to put him into a book. Do you know, sir, that I felt the very greatest desire to give him a kiss when he went away; and that one which you had just now, was intended for him.

If the answer be in the negative, it may be worth while to consider the precise point from which his style may be said to have deviated from the right road; nor is it here necessary to particularise, but to refer to the Italian practice generally, which will be found to consist chiefly in this in the choosing a low key; and for the greatest perfection of colouring, the proper union of the two essentials of good colouring, it may be safe to refer, first to the Venetian, the Lombard, and then to the Bolognese schools.

We will not stay to particularise the defects of each of the seven figures of the front and sides, which represent the cardinal and theological virtues; nor will we make any remarks upon those which stand in the niches above the pavilion, because we consider them unworthy both of the age and reputation of the Florentine school, which was then with reason considered the most notable in Italy."

Forbes-Gaskell, as it happened, had reported to Craig-Ellachie that he had found a lode of high-grade ore on an estate unnamed, which he would particularise on promise of certain contingent claims to founder's shares; and the old lord jumped at it.

How many lessons are to be learned from them! But it is hardly necessary to particularise. To preserve, for instance, a becoming brevity a brevity which excludes everything that is redundant and nothing that is significant that, surely, is the first duty of the biographer. The second, no less surely, is to maintain his own freedom of spirit.