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Updated: August 21, 2024

At about 9 o'clock on palm-sunday morning the Cardinals, Prelates and others assemble near the chapel of the Pieta at S. Peter's, as at present the solemn service takes place in that basilica, and not as formerly in the Sixtine chapel.

But on the Sabbath day which is called Palm-Sunday, or sometimes at the Supper of the Lord, he was wont to return unto his monastery for the discharge of his holy office, always bringing with him the half of one loaf yet uneaten. And he sent before him unto God threescore saints, whom when he followed he was buried in Scleptus.

They went with him to the eastern side of the Temple, through that part of Ophel by which Jesus made his entry into Jerusalem on Palm-Sunday, and thence to the cattle-market, which stood in the town, to the north of the Temple. In the southern part of this market I saw little enclosures in which some beautiful lambs were gambolling about. Here it was that lambs for the Pasch were bought.

Is this the Sabbath, or one of the blessed Saints' days, or perhaps a Palm-Sunday that you should array yourself thus? Mother of God! when has it become the fashion for young ladies to disport themselves in their best clothes on common, ordinary week days? Why, 'tis not even a Fish-Friday!

Palm-Sunday was a dark and tempestuous day, with the snow falling heavily. At first the wind was favorable to the Lancastrians, but it suddenly changed, and blew the snow right into their faces.

Celebrant and sung with the same impressive chant as on Palm-Sunday by three cantors wearing the alb, a black maniple and stole: they used formerly to recite it bare-footed. At those words "And bowing down his head he gave up the ghost" all kneel to adore their Redeemer.

They all now accompany the B. Sacrament to the Pauline chapel in solemn procession, which is regulated like that of palm-Sunday.

On the 18th of March, being Palm-Sunday, Clare, magnificently dressed, went with other ladies to the Cathedral Church, and as she remained in her place out of bashfulness while the others crowded forward to receive the palms, the bishop came down from the altar, and carried a palm branch to her, as a symbol of the victory she was about to gain over the world.

She had herself come to him some days before Palm-Sunday to hasten the execution of her intention; he told her to assist at the ceremony of the delivery of palms dressed in her usual ornaments, to leave Assisi the following night, as our Blessed Saviour had left Jerusalem to suffer on Mount Calvary, and to come to the church of St.

This stick and wreath they call their 'Palm Paschen, which really means Palm-Sunday, and may have been so called because they make the wreath on that day. Down the village streets they go, singing all the while and waving the wreath above their heads: Palm, Palm Paschen, Hei koekerei. Weldra is het Paschen Dan hebben wy een ei. Een ei twee ei, Het derde is het Paschei.

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