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How Zeno with his bread and dates shall learn not to despise a few luxuries, and Vitellius shall learn that the mind may sometimes feast to advantage while the body fasts." Through the marbled corridors and regal parlours, down long perspectives of Persian rugs and onyx pillars, the function raged. The group at Percival's table broke up.

There is a well-known trail in Stanley Park that leads to what I always love to call the "Cathedral Trees" that group of some half-dozen forest giants that arch overhead with such superb loftiness. But in all the world there is no cathedral whose marble or onyx columns can vie with those straight, clean, brown tree-boles that teem with the sap and blood of life.

Metal mirrors, framed with deformed faces, as though to give the beauty who looked into them the pleasure of contrast, coffers of cedar or sycamore wood painted and ornamented, caskets of enamelled ware, flagons of alabaster, onyx, and glass, boxes of perfumes, all these testified to the magnificence that the Pharaoh lavished upon Tahoser.

The murmur was swelling to a roar, but she scarcely heard it. She yielded to the hand that guided, hardly knowing what she did. As Saltash led her to the back of the platform she had a glimpse of Dick's face white as death, with lips hard-set and stern as she had never seen them, and a glitter in his eyes that made her think of onyx.

Salammbo crouched down upon the onyx step on the edge of the basin; she raised her ample sleeves, fastening them behind her shoulders, and began her ablutions in methodical fashion, according to the sacred rites.

The steward absently rolled a piece of bread-crumb between his fingers and said: "I spent that on this fibula with an incised onyx and as cheap as dirt, I can tell you. If Caesar comes he must see who and what I am; and if I die any one will give you twice as much for it as I paid. I tell you the Empress's money was well laid out on the thing."

Aha, how you will like dat, Massa Teady? you sall be export may be for break into chapel, during sarvice, and teal bell aha, teal bell who ever yeerie one crime equal to dat!" "My good man," quoth Onyx, who now felt the absurdity of the affair, "I know nothing of all this believe me there is a mistake. Who sent you here?"

When they were asked their opinion in the matter, Gabriel spoke up, and said: "If it please the king, let him place an onyx stone before the child, and a coal of fire, and if he stretches out his hand and grasps the onyx stone, then shall we know that the child hath done with wisdom all that he bath done, and we will slay him.

They heaped up piles of gold and diamonds as high as your head; and never was there a gnome so poor as to build a house of any thing a whit coarser than jasper or onyx. You would have believed yourself dreaming, if you could have walked through the streets of their cities. They were paved with rosy almandine and snowy alabaster; and the palaces glittered in the gay lamplight like a million stars.

At his belt hung a long open-work iron pencase and a wooden rosary such as holy men wear. On his head was a gigantic sort of tam-o'-shanter. His face was yellow and wrinkled, like that of Fook Shing, the Chinese bootmaker in the bazar. His eyes turned up at the corners and looked like little slits of onyx. 'Who is that? said Kim to his companions.