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There was an immense amount of work to be got through in the interval between the pronouncement of the judgment of Natas on the Tsar and his Ministers and the execution of the sentence.

Then Natas recovered his outward composure and went on; but now there was an angrier gleam in his eyes, and a fiercer ring in his voice. "You have parted the wife from her husband, the maid from her lover, the child from its parents.

For all answer Arnold put out his hand and took hold of Natasha's, and said quietly but clearly "Give me this!" "So be it!" said Natas. "What you have worthily won you will worthily wear. May your days be long and peaceful in the world to which you have given peace!"

As soon as he saw them making preparations for a halt, and had noticed the disposition of the aerostats, he left the conning-tower which he had occupied nearly all day, and went into the after saloon, where he found Natas and Natasha examining a large plan of London and its environs. "They have come to a halt at last," he said.

As Natas finished speaking, he signed with his hand to Tremayne, who rose in his place and briefly addressed the assembly "I and those who will share it with me accept alike the power and the responsibility not of choice, but rather because we are convinced that the interests of humanity demand that we should do so.

I will not even have my life at your hands, but I will have yours, and rid the earth of you if I die a thousand deaths!" As he spoke he wrenched his sword from its scabbard, thrust the Professor aside, and rushed at Natas with the uplifted blade.

"The bottom's out of her! She'll go down in five minutes!" Tremayne, who was the only man on deck save the look-out, ran out of the wheel-house, dived into the cabin, and a moment later reappeared with Natas in his arms, and followed by his two attendants.

This is the day of vengeance for which he has waited so long, and you can hardly expect him to show much mercy. It lies between him and Tremayne. For my part I will stay my hand only when I am ordered to do so. "Still, if any one can influence Natas to mercy, you can. Nothing can now stop the slaughter on the north, I'm afraid, for the Russians are caught in a hopeless trap.

If the Fates were kind, he would come back from the world-war and reclaim both the lands and their mistress, and if not he would have the satisfaction of knowing that his broad acres at least had a worthy mistress. At breakfast he met Natas again, and during the meal one of his footmen entered, bringing the letters that had come by the morning post.

When they were fairly under way Natas ordered the four deserters to be brought before him in the after saloon of the flagship. He sat at one end of the table, and they were placed in a line in front of him at the other, each with a guard behind him, and the muzzle of a pistol at his head.