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The epithet 'moqueuse' was applied to her; and there is no epithet less favourably received in the world. The next day a very ill-natured song was circulated; the stamp of the party to which it was attributable might easily be seen upon it.

Of course the meeting did not at first run smooth; there was a crow to pluck with him; that forced examination could not be immediately digested. A crabbed dialogue terminated in my being called "une petite moqueuse et sans- coeur," and in Monsieur's temporary departure.

As soon as we were alone he began to exhibit signs of acute mental distress, and to my astonishment burst out, 'Mrs. Warrington, there is something I wanted to er ask you. You are a woman for whom I have a profound respect; though you are inclined by character to be un peu moqueuse, you have, I feel, an exceedingly tender heart. I felt uneasy.

However, his native manhood prevailed over that morbid sensitiveness which, born out of the union of pride and poverty, has all the effects of vanity, and yet is not vanity itself. The Count was at home, a thin spare man with a narrow but high forehead, and an expression of countenance keen, severe, and 'un peu moqueuse.

The epithet 'moqueuse' was applied to her; and there is no epithet less favourably received in the world. The next day a very ill-natured song was circulated; the stamp of the party to which it was attributable might easily be seen upon it.

However, his native manhood prevailed over that morbid sensitiveness which, born out of the union of pride and poverty, has all the effects of vanity, and yet is not vanity itself. The Count was at home, a thin spare man with a narrow but high forehead, and an expression of countenance keen, severe, and 'un peu moqueuse.

The epithet 'moqueuse' was applied to her; and there is no epithet less favourably received in the world. The next day a very ill-natured song was circulated; the stamp of the party to which it was attributable might easily be seen upon it.

But she did not succeed in confusing him at all, or in even attracting his attention, so she merely shrugged her shoulders, with what the French call an 'air moqueuse. The momentary confusion caused by the pause in the service soon passed, and the spirit of calm again settled on the scene after the 'General Confession. But Maryllia was deeply conscious of hurt and vexation. It was too bad of Mr.