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Yet Garay landed with 400 foot soldiers and some horse, and commanded John de Grijalva, to explore the coast, while he marched by land to Panuco, in which march he crossed a river to which he gave the name of Rio Montalto. In this march he came to a large town, in which he found much poultry, to the great refreshment of his troops.

Within a few hours, Montalto was Pope, the humble cardinal was changed in a moment to the despotic pontiff, whose nephew's murder was unavenged; instead of the vacillating Gregory, Orsini had to face the terrible Sixtus, and his defeat and exile were foregone conclusions.

Tell me what Harry is about, and what is doing at Montalto. Sam and George are well. You must write to Mrs. Alston about Leonora's child. Enclose your letter to me. I hope little Peter is doing well. Washington, January 17, 1804. Your kind wishes on the new year are received this evening in your letter dated 3d January, 1803. No matter what date, such things are always welcome.

Pleasant to recall, assuredly; the scenery and the mountain flowers are wondrously beautiful; but I have fully realized what the men of Delianuova meant, when they said: "To Montalto, Yes; to Bova, No." Musolino will remain a hero for many long years to come. "He did his duty ": such is the popular verdict on his career. He was not a brigand, but an unfortunate a martyr, a victim of the law.

What you may not incline to keep may be forthwith turned into cash. The library, maps, pictures, and wine are articles which you will need, and which you cannot procure without great trouble and more money. I think, too, you would do well to retain Richmond Hill, as a more convenient residence than Montalto, particularly as no expense will be necessary for buildings or improvements.

Whether the remembrance of this kindness excited his compunction, or whether he wished to atone for his past offences, I know not, but he thus addressed me in broken accents: "'Son of Montalto! a just retribution has overtaken me. My necessities sold me to the savage Barozzo.

Amelot was equally mistrustful of certain grandees in the Privy Council, as was the Princess; and, whether they tendered their resignation or that it was required of them, the Duke de Montalto and the Count de Monterei were replaced by devoted partisans of the Princess.

The Envoy was further requested to report to the Secretary how the painter spent his time, and also how he was regarded by Cardinal Montalto. Thus we see the wily Secretary set one servant watching another, and kept in close touch with all.

It is, however, more probable that the Cardinal Montalto treated her follies with a grudging parsimony; for we soon find the Peretti household hopelessly involved in debt. Discord, too, arose between Vittoria and her husband on the score of a certain levity in her behaviour; and it was rumoured that even during the brief space of their union she had proved a faithless wife.

Tell me what Harry is about, and what is doing at Montalto. Sam and George are well. You must write to Mrs. Alston about Leonora's child. Enclose your letter to me. I hope little Peter is doing well. Washington, January 17, 1804. Your kind wishes on the new year are received this evening in your letter dated 3d January, 1803. No matter what date, such things are always welcome.