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"No," he grinned, "nor in the man-handlin' business, but I want to tell you right now that I have enjoyed this evenin's performance, no matter what happens from it. I ain't carryin' much cash with me," he added after a moment's thought. "I ain't carryin' any," sez I. He looked into my face again an' gave his chuckle. A feller couldn't help but echo when that fair-hair chuckled.

I guess there's no call for you to make any play." "Shut your face, Haines," responded Silent, in the same tone. "He's made a fool of me by showin' up my hoss, an' by God I'm goin' to give him a man-handlin' he'll never forgit." He whirled on Morgan. "How about it, bar-keep, is this the dead shot you was spillin' so many words about?"

You look dangerous, but I've an idea that you are as yellow as your moustache. "Sandy, he sort of swelled up all over like a poisoned dog. "He says: 'I begin to see your style. You want a clean man-handlin', which suits me uncommon well. "With that, he lays down his guns, soft and careful, and puts up his fists, and goes for the other gent.

"An de fourf mate," wound up the narrator, straightening his huge bulk, "am de bes' man in de ship, and de bigges'. Dey aint no whalemen in Noo Bedford caynt teach ME nuffin, en ef it comes ter man-handlin'; w'y I jes' pick 'em two't a time 'n crack 'em togerrer like so, see!" and he smote the palms of his great paws against each other, while I nodded complete assent.