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Updated: August 25, 2024

The party that stayed at Crane City until March 1, consisted of Commander Peary, MacMillan, Goodsell, Marvin, myself, and fourteen Esquimos, whom you don't know, and ninety-eight dogs, that you may have heard about. The dogs were double-fed and we put a good meal inside ourselves before turning-in on the night of February 28, 1909.

And after all these years, when I'd been so contented, so happy that I couldn't even bear, as a schoolgirl, to go away for two or three days to visit Lady MacMillan in the holidays, without nearly dying of homesickness before I could be brought back! As a postulant I was just as happy, too. You know, I wouldn't go out into the world to try my resolve, as Reverend Mother advised.

My first published story, written when I was eighteen, had appeared in the Churchman's Magazine in 1870, and an article on the "Poema del Cid," the first-fruits of my Spanish browsings in the Bodleian, appeared in Macmillan early in 1872.

Palgrave's Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. London: Macmillan & Co., 1877. The Courtly Poets from Raleigh to Montrose. Edited by J. Hannah. London: Bell & Daldy, 1870. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. London: Sampson Low, Son & Marston, 1867. Bacon's Essays. Edited by W. Aldis Wright. Macmillan & Co. The Cambridge Shakspere. Charles Lamb's Specimens of English Dramatic Poets.

"MY DEAR MARY, I have some good news to tell you. My new book is not out yet, but soon will be. It is in two editions, one large paper, and dear, the other smaller paper and much lower in price. The first is exhausted before publication, and the second without being exhausted yet, is still going off well. I dined last night with Messrs. Macmillan, and they seemed quite satisfied. "Mr.

Galton, Francis, "Inquiries into Human Faculty," 1883; Macmillan; see essays on association, doctrine of blends. James, William, "Principles . . . ;" The Mental Cue, II, 497, 518; for phrase, "Talks to Teachers," p. ix 118, 1900; Henry Holt & Co., New York. Sherrington, C. S., "Integrative Action of the Nervous System," 1906; Scribners, New York.

How will the future student explain the fact that in New Jersey state and church combined to sanction and bless the marriage of an imbecile woman and of her offspring until they had produced 148 feeble-minded children to curse the state. See The Kalikak Family, by HERBERT H. GODDARD, New York: Macmillan Company, 1912.

The Short-Story, Henry Canby, Henry Holt & Co. The Short-Story, Evelyn May Albright, The Macmillan Co. Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction, Waite and Taylor, D. Appleton & Co. Writing the Short-Story, Esenwein, Hinds, Noble & Eldredge. A Study of the Short-Story in English, Henry Seidel Canby, Henry Holt & Co.

Reverend Mother would not hear Lady MacMillan say, "Strange that the two Mary Grants should be the only young women to leave you, except in the ordinary way," the ordinary way being the end of school days for a girl, or the end of life for a nun.

We should be doing twenty or twenty-five miles a day good traveling, but we are halted by this open water. March 7: Professor MacMillan came into camp to-day with the cache he had picked up.

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