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However honest such parties may be, they not only act unwisely, but, by their course, lend sanction to others with whom such irresponsible action is a cloak for systematic fraud. Mr. Muller's whole career is the more without fault because in this respect his administration of his great trust challenges the closest investigation.

I must send it after you by letter. It is the Lord's gift." Often, as I have looked at the doings of men and Churches, and tried to bring all to the test as if in Christ's very presence, it has appeared to me that such work as Müller's and Barnardo's, and that of my own fellow-countryman, William Quarrier, must be peculiarly dear to the heart of our blessed Lord.

Row after row of cottages replete with white paint and the modern conveniences; row after row of prolific raspberry bushes on the right, cranberry bogs on the left the great Improved Canning-houses for fruit flanking the town on one side, Muller's Reformatory for boys on the other.

The following passages, again, are quoted from Sir William Hamilton in Professor Max Muller's own book, with so much approval as to lead one to suppose that the differences between himself and his opponents are in reality less than he believes them to be. "Language," says Sir W. Hamilton, "is the attribution of signs to our cognitions of things.

Indeed, the first person whom he saw as the cart pulled up was his late enemy, Frank Muller. John, as may be imagined, was not best pleased at this meeting. He had always disliked the man, and since Muller's conduct on the previous Friday, and Jantje's story of the dark deed of blood in which he had been the principal actor, positively he loathed the sight of him.

Such economy on the one hand and such generosity on the other have seldom been known in human history. But George Muller's record will compare favourably with this or any other of modern days. His frugality, simplicity, and economy were equal to Wesley's, and his gifts aggregated eighty-one thousand pounds. Mr.

Max Muller's theory that a sense of the Infinite is the germ of religion, and that Fetichism is secondary, and a corruption. This essay also contains a defence of the evidence on which the anthropological method relies. The remaining essays are studies of the 'History of the Family, and of 'Savage Art. The essay on 'Savage Art' is reprinted, by the kind permission of Messrs.

Though a proselyting religion it was never a persecuting one, and is still distinguished, in all its corruption, for its toleration. The chief authorities that I would recommend for this chapter are Max Müller's History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature; Rev.

The myth of fire-stealing must necessarily have some other origin. 'Fire Totems' Mr. Alas! I never heard of fire totems before. Probably some one has been writing about them, somewhere, unless we owe them to Mr. Max Muller's own researches. Of course, he cites no authority for his fire totems.

Max Muller's Method in Controversy As an illustration of the author's controversial methods, take his observations on my alleged attempt to account for the metamorphosis of Daphne into a laurel tree. Max Muller vanquishes me there, for he gave no reference to my statement.