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Updated: August 21, 2024

Twenty days after no evidence of pulsation remained in the sac, and three months later the sailor was well and able to resume his duties. Ligation of the common iliac artery, which, in a case of gunshot injury, was first practiced by Gibson of Philadelphia in 1812, is, happily, not always fatal. Of 82 cases collected by Ashhurst, 23 terminated successfully.

The differential diagnosis is to be made from abscess, bursal cyst, enlarged glands, and sarcoma, especially pulsating sarcoma of one of the bones entering into the knee joint. The choice of operation lies between ligation of the femoral artery in Hunter's canal, and Matas' operation of aneurysmo-arteriorrhaphy.

Heat, ligation, pressure and torsion are the different methods recommended. Ligation and torsion of the cut end of large blood-vessels should be practised. Pressure over the surface of the wound is the most convenient method of Controlling haemorrhage in most cases. Whenever possible, the part should be bandaged heavily with clean cheese cloth or muslin.

The principal attention required for young pigs is protection against being crushed by the mother. The cutting off and ligation of the umbilical cord at a point a few inches from the abdomen, and applying tincture of iodine or any reliable disinfectant is very advisable in the colt and calf. The external envelope, the chorion, is exactly adapted to the uterus.

Pleydell, the deed is a well-drawn deed, properly authenticated and tested in forms of the statute. 'But recalled or superseded by another of posterior date in your possession, eh? said the Counsellor. 'Something of the sort, I confess, Mr. Pleydell, rejoined the man of business, producing a bundle tied with tape, and sealed at each fold and ligation with black wax. 'That deed, Mr.

If ligation is found to be impracticable, the Moore-Corradi method or Macewen's needling may be tried. #Carotid Aneurysms.# Aneurysm of the common carotid is more frequent on the right than on the left side, and is usually situated either at the root of the neck or near the bifurcation. It is the aneurysm most frequently met with in women.

The available operative measures are proximal ligation of the innominate, and distal ligation. In some cases it has been found necessary to combine distal ligation with amputation at the shoulder-joint, to prevent the collateral circulation maintaining the flow through the aneurysm. Matas' operation has been successfully performed by Hogarth Pringle.

When a tourniquet cannot conveniently be applied, or when its presence interferes with the carrying out of the operation as, for example, in amputations at the hip or shoulder the hæmorrhage may be controlled by preliminary ligation of the main artery above the seat of operation for instance, the external iliac or the subclavian.

The continuity of the artery may be restored by grafting into the gap left after excision of the sac a segment of the great saphena vein. Ligation of the Artery. The object of tying the artery is to diminish or to arrest the flow of blood through the aneurysm so that the blood coagulates both in the sac and in the feeding artery.

Pleydell, the deed is a well-drawn deed, properly authenticated and tested in forms of the statute. 'But recalled or superseded by another of posterior date in your possession, eh? said the Counsellor. 'Something of the sort, I confess, Mr. Pleydell, rejoined the man of business, producing a bundle tied with tape, and sealed at each fold and ligation with black wax. 'That deed, Mr.

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