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Updated: August 1, 2024

I could almost venture to assert, that the dreadful eruption called Lepra, which is universal throughout Iceland, owes its existence rather to the total want of cleanliness than to the climate of the country or to the food. Throughout my subsequent journeys into the interior, I found the cottages of the peasants every where alike squalid and filthy.

The likeness has more than daguerreotype exactness." He goes on to observe: "I need not describe many examples of such diseases. Any out-patients' room will furnish abundant instances of exact symmetry in the eruptions of eczema, lepra, and psoriasis; in the deformities of chronic rheumatism, the paralyses from lead; in the eruptions excited by iodide of potassium or copaiba.

I crept into one of these dens; it was so dark that a considerable time elapsed before I could distinguish objects, the light was only admitted through a very small aperture. I found in this hut a few persons who were suffering from the eruption called "lepra," a disease but too commonly met with in Iceland.

While we were discoursing her three daughters entered the room. They were all called by hard names; the eldest was named Lepra, the second Chaeras, and the third Scorbutia. They were all genteel, but ugly.

Gilbert divides leprosy into four varieties, elephantia, leonina, tyria and allopicia, the pathology, symptoms and treatment of each of which are presented with wearisome minuteness and completeness. A long chapter, entitled "De infectione post coitum leprosi," discusses the transmission of the disease by means of sexual intercourse, and suggests the possible confusion of lepra and syphilis.

The usual catalogue of specific remedies terminates the discussion. An interesting chapter on small-pox and measles, "De variolis et morbillis," gives us the prevailing ideas relative to these diseases in England during the thirteenth century. Premising his remarks with a classification of diseases as follows: Diseases universal and infectious like morphoea, serpigo, lepra, variolae et morbilli.

The common people requested my advice as to the mode of treating divers complaints; and once, in the course of one of my solitary wanderings about Reikjavik, on my entering a cottage, they brought before me a being whom I should scarcely have recognised as belonging to the same species as myself, so fearfully was he disfigured by the eruption called "lepra."

Then they saw, too, and began to back water and turn, all pulling different ways and yelling: "Prau hantu!... sampar! ...Sakit lepra! Kolera!... hantu!" As we swung, I saw what it was, a little carved prau like a child's toy boat, perhaps four feet long, with red fiber sails and red and gilt flags from stem to stern.

These Waters are beneficial in all forms of Gout, Sub-acute, Chronic and Muscular Rheumatism Neuralgias, Sciatica, Lumbago, certain forms of Paralysis, Nervous Debility, Diseases of Women, Disorders of the Digestive System, Tropical Anoemia, Metallic Poisoning, Eczema, Lepra, Psoriasis, and all the Scaly Diseases of the Skin.

Quantum autem ad tutelam legis jussit ordinem impleri. Vade, ostende te sacerdoti, et offer munus quod praecepit Moyses.... Itaque adjecit: ut sit vobis in testimonium. Luke v. 12-14: Ecce vir plenus lepra: et videns Jesum ... rogavit eum dicens, Domine, si vis, potes me mundare. Et extendens manum tetigit illum dicens, Volo, mundare. Et confestim lepra discessit ab illo.

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