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Lord and Lady Crane, Lady Pennon, Lord and Lady Esquart, Lord Larrian, Mr. and Mrs. Montvert of Halford Manor, Lady Singleby, Sir Walter Capperston friends, admirers of Diana; patrons, in the phrase of the time, of her father, were the guests. Lady Pennon expected to be amused, and was gratified, for Diana had only to open her mouth to set the great lady laughing. She petitioned to have Mrs.

Mayor informed me it was the duty of every Irishwoman to dance her toes off, if she 'd be known for what she is. And twirl! a man had me by the waist, and I dying to find you. 'Who was the man? 'Not to save these limbs from the lighted stake could I tell you! 'You are to perform a ceremonious bow to Lord Larrian. 'Chatter first! a little! The plea for chatter was disregarded.

'She had experience of the Channel last night, Lady Dunstane pursued, and they both, while in seeming converse, caught snatches from their neighbours, during a pause of the dance. The sparkling Diana said to Lord Larrian, 'You really decline to make any of us proud women by dancing to-night? The General answered: 'I might do it on two stilts; I can't on one. He touched his veteran leg.

Whatever Mrs. Warwick did was evidently good to him. On another evening the party was composed of Lady Pennon, Lord Larrian, Miss Paynham, a clever Mrs. Wollasley, Mr. Henry Wilmers, and again Mr. Percy Dacier. When Diana came to Copsley, Lady Dunstane remarked on the recurrence of the name of Miss Paynham in the list of her guests. 'And Mr. Percy Dacier's too, said Diana, smiling.

The beautiful vision she had been on the night of the Irish Ball swept before him, and he looked at her, smiling. 'Why do you smile? she said. 'I was thinking of Mr. Sullivan Smith. 'Ah! my dear compatriot! And think, too, of Lord Larrian. She caught her breath. Instead of recreation, the names brought on a fit of sadness. It deepened; shy neither smiled nor rattled any more.

Attracted by her good looks and sparkle, they entered the circle of her charm, became delightfully intimate, suffered a rebuff, and were from that time prepared to serve her purpose. How many other wretched dupes had she dangling? He spied at Westlake, spied at Redworth, at old Lord Larrian, at Lord Dannisburgh, at Arthur Rhodes, dozens.

Whatever Mrs. Warwick did was evidently good to him. On another evening the party was composed of Lady Pennon, Lord Larrian, Miss Paynham, a clever Mrs. Wollasley, Mr. Henry Wilmers, and again Mr. Percy Dacier. When Diana came to Copsley, Lady Dunstane remarked on the recurrence of the name of Miss Paynham in the list of her guests. 'And Mr. Percy Dacier's too, said Diana, smiling.

She used to be the sprightliest of living creatures, and to judge by her letters, that has not faded. She 's in the market, General. Lord Larrian nodded to everything he heard, concluding with a mock doleful shake of the head. 'My poorest subaltern! he sighed, in the theatrical but cordially melancholy style of green age viewing Cytherea's market.