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She was an only daughter, and heiress of a fair estate close to Egido. Mr Laffan making no objection, Don Ricardo despatched a messenger, as he had promised, to our father, and we remained with clear consciences. The house itself, I may here say, was a long low building, of two stories only in one portion, round which ran a broad verandah.

We were for some time employed in repairing the damage done to the fort, and in attending to the wounded; and while we buried our own dead, we sent out a party to throw the Spaniards who had fallen in the river, as the easiest way of disposing of them. Several poor fellows who were found wounded were mercilessly bayoneted, in spite of all Juan, Mr Laffan, and I could urge to the contrary.

As, however, Mr Laffan and I agreed that he very likely suspected us, we resolved to push on as rapidly as we could, so that we might, if possible, reach Bogota before he would have time to warn the authorities against us. The road was as bad as could be, often so steep, that it was like climbing up steps; in some places, indeed, large trees had fallen across the path.

As for Duncan and Mr Laffan, I will reconsider my intentions. I will, however, accept your offer as regards my wife and Flora, and place them under your care."

As far as we could judge, it might take us three or four days to reach the Patriot camp, and some time must elapse before relief could be sent to Juan, and what might not occur in the meantime? Whenever we pulled rein, Mr Laffan stood up and took a survey of the country. "It is wise to ascertain what's moving when traversing a country, or in our course through life," he observed.

I was also to point out to Murillo the disgrace of destroying a man of such high scientific attainments as Dr Cazalla, and to plead that he might be banished to England, where he could render service to the human race. Mr Laffan was quite willing to accompany me as interpreter. "We may bamboozle the scoundrel, and succeed where others have failed," observed the dominie.

I will send over and let your father know that I have laid an embargo on you, so that he must not expect you until you appear. You can study as hard as you like in the evening, or whenever we are in the house, and Mr Laffan will give you lectures on natural history while we are on our excursions.

Her husband was out, she said, but he would soon return, and he would procure a horse, of which there were several broken-in on the farm; and perhaps he himself would act as our guide. Eager to push on, our patience was greatly tried; though we waited and waited, the woman's husband did not appear. At last Mr Laffan proposed going out and catching one of the horses.

We now expected every moment to see the main body approaching to the assault, as it was not likely they would allow us to retain peaceable possession of so important a post, if they fancied they could capture it. Mr Laffan had charge of the guns, with the few men among us who had ever had any practice with artillery.

Not a few even of the highest rank could neither read nor write. My father, I may here say, had half consented that I should join Don Juan's troop, and had given leave to Mr Laffan to act as he felt inclined. The enemy had now got within three leagues of the city.